Sagittarius Horoscope for September 2021

Sagittarius Horoscope for September 2021

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an especially potent season for you, Sagittarius, with an angular New Moon in collusion with trickster Uranus and a strongly placed Venus. You have a lot on your plate this month and it is moving in all directions. Your work in the world has the benefit of intuitional inspiration, and as well the blessing of the universe with the proviso that you seek a way that your efforts can more completely align with your most profound values and principles. An idealism that you possess at the core is very present to you now. Goals that you favor are extremely important, and deserving of extended study. There will be time for that, nearing the end of the current month and throughout the next, with the retrograde of Mercury through a significant portion of your sector of future plans and societal commitment. You are in some ways up against it, with the responsibility of the great weight riding on your multiplicity of choices. In another way though, you might feel the simple joy of finally emerging into a greater sense of your own authenticity.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As the month of September begins you are riding the wave of the recent Aquarius Full Moon that emphasized your creativity and your societal contribution. With this in play you are tackling the September month, featuring the Sun in Virgo, with a strong attitude toward your career. You may have been feeling restless in the last few weeks, caught between your obligations and a feeling of wanderlust. You might even have a sense that your current situation is not enough without exactly knowing what’s missing. Your main fuel right now could therefore focus around being in motion and having something to look forward to. It’s important to acknowledge that the ‘’all too familiar’’ has a tendency to make you feel in a rut and that you occasionally need to step outside of the beaten path.

Trying to get everything right while being aware of everything that remains to be done is a big factor for you this month. Mars is also transiting in the sign of Virgo – corresponding to your career and professional life – emphasizing as well your to-do lists and the steps needed to get to that sweet spot. You’re ambitious but you may also be feeling overwhelmed by the amount of micromanaging required to run your ship.

The first three days of September could also bring a confusing or discouraging influence while Mars opposes Neptune in Pisces. You may sometimes feel like you can never get everything done or that feelings of inadequacy could be lurking in the shadow, and these three days will tend to emphasize these feelings, or perhaps confusion about where to put your energy. Things likely become clearer by the first weekend of September. 

From September 3rd to the 5th, Mercury in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius, which could symbolize support from a friend. This may be a good time to communicate your needs within a group or to delineate everyone’s responsibilities more clearly. You may also need to take a step back and assess your workload in order to delegate some of your tasks. Beware that frustrations could arise when you try to get everything done by yourself so that it's important to know who’s on board with you. Communicating your needs may feel like a waste of time, but the clearer you are now the more you can save time and potential misunderstanding down the road.

The New Moon in Virgo takes place on September 6th signaling the beginning of a fresh and exciting cycle in connection with your goals and your career aspirations. This New Moon is receiving a supportive trine from Uranus in Taurus which means that innovation may be your best asset right now. Teamwork may also be part of the equation because Mercury in Libra, corresponding to your sector of groups and friendships, rules over this lunation. In the following 30 days, diplomacy and collaboration could be necessary components to help you achieve your goals.

Venus enters Scorpio on the 10th where she will be illuminating the deeper recess of your unconscious patterns related to control and perhaps anxiety or fears surrounding the parts of yourself that you would rather keep hidden. Venus will be in Scorpio until the 7th of October and over all this time, there may be a good opportunity to get in touch or at least acknowledge your vulnerabilities. This is better than letting them run the show from behind the stage. Topics related to honesty and intimacy could also surface and it may be a good time to find an equilibrium between truth and diplomacy; this is especially so once Mars enters Libra on the 14th. It may not be worth it to keep the peace at the cost of your mental health.

The Sun in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces is an aspect that builds up in the first half of the month and that culminates on September 13th and 14th. This opposition may highlight the contrast between your work world, including that everything that needs to be done there, and your private life. Feeling overwhelmed or distracted could be the biggest challenge to contend with until this aspect has passed. The best way to handle this transit is to tackle one task at a time without letting your mind wander away to everything else that is going on. It may be a good time to minimize your exposure to social media, for example, and to simplify where you can.

The Full Moon in Pisces arrives on September 20th shining a light on your base of operations so that you may feel the need to retreat into the comfort of your home, or spend time attending to your surroundings. This could be a busy time of the year for you, with a lot of social and professional engagement that could be pulling you in multiple directions. This Full Moon highlights your home life and perhaps the need, if the time is available to you, to stop, unwind and smell the roses for a few days.

The Sun enters the sign of Libra on the 22nd which signals the Equinox, or the beginning of Fall in the Northern Hemisphere. There is a strong emphasis on this sign in the following month as Mercury also stations retrograde in Libra on the 26th and will be moving retrograde until the 18th of October, and then recovering from its lost Zodiacal longitude for another two weeks after that. You may need to spend some time repositioning yourself in regards to your allegiance to a certain group of people or question the validity of a particular trajectory. This may happen quite organically as Venus in Scorpio is also busy unearthing parts of yourself that are not always visible. Without jumping to conclusions too quickly, you can learn a lot over the next month of October about the kind of people you want to associate with or begin to question a group mentality that you are ready to leave behind.

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