Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2021

Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2021

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is a time of introspection and somewhat also of trial for you, Sagittarius. Loads of energy is swirling around within your psyche. You are contemplating your future and what part might need to be played by a thorough revisioning. You could find a sense of satisfaction in what you have going, and the extent to which this matches your most profound principles and values, and yet discover also the possibility of change. Finding the truest version of your mission statement, going forward, is a life-long process. Some periods of time are more productive of new insights than others, and with the current astrological indications, this month seems to be one. There could be many twists and turns of renewed understandings along the way, through what is essentially a time of looking within for the answers that you almost unconsciously seek. Intuition comes unbidden at strange times and in various guises, and can provide your greatest set of clues so long as you can stay open to it. Eventually it might come down to the recognition that deep-seated transformation is not only possible but necessary.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Your aspirations – and as well who you want to associate with – may be highlighted at the beginning of October as the Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Libra light up your social sector. Being part of a community and sharing your ideas with like-minded folks might be something that you need right now. Your values and what feels important to you could be met with some resistance, however, especially if you are not selective with your audience. Not everyone is willing to debate. Mercury is also currently retrograde in Libra and squares Pluto in Capricorn as the month begins, which could bring intense interactions and the more rigid your viewpoints, the more likely you will meet resistance. Your current thinking might be profound and it might be best that you do not succumb to the temptation of trying to convince anyone of your perspective. Conserve your energy for what matters, write down your thoughts, and find ways to channel your ideas into a productive outlet.

The New Moon in Libra takes place on the 6th, conjunct Mars, opposed Chiron in Aries, and in perfect inconjunct with Trickster Uranus. You will want to be alert for unexpected events and surprising, even startling, revelations. Your creativity is involved also. There is a powerful incentive to relate and exchange with others but you may have to face some vulnerabilities before you are able to connect wholeheartedly. The New Moon brings momentum for new friendships to emerge in the coming weeks but you’ll have to put yourself out there. You may find that a different relational awareness is emerging within you at this time and you could gain a lot from connecting with people who have similar interests. However, you may also have to tap into your collaborative side and let go of the need to do everything by yourself without asking for help.

Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th which is good news for you and may help you find grace and beauty more easily in the next three weeks. Venus is considered to have a beneficial influence especially on things pertaining to pleasure. It may be a good opportunity to splurge on yourself, get a new pair of shoes or simply take better care of your body.

The second weekend of the month could bring new information to light. Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun in Libra, Venus conjunct the South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius, and Saturn stations direct in Aquarius all in the span of a few days. Your desires could be changing at this time and it might be easier to let go of something that has been dragging on for too long. You might experience a perspective shift with relative ease at this time. Saturn moving direct could bring momentum in the following weeks for projects that had been left in suspense since late May.

You can get a lot done this month if you put your mind to it. Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius on the 13th could endow you with the charms needed to sell an idea or convince someone. The Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius mid-month may bring renewed optimism for a project or a scenario that was left on the back burner. However, there may be an important financial component to contend with especially as the Sun squares Pluto from the 15th to the 17th. Jupiter stations direct in Aquarius on the 18th and Mercury in Libra follows suit a few hours later, ending the major phase of the Mercury Retrograde cycle. The retrograde shadow period lasts another two weeks and things could begin to increase in tempo as the month wears on.

The Aries Full Moon takes place on the 20th and highlights your creative projects, your children, or a romantic scenario. There are also the new planets that Henry has been studying that are still in a potent T-square to Pluto, augmented by the Sun and Moon a few degrees away from each. Eris stands for finding your true life purpose, and Haumea in Libra, opposed to Eris in Aries, is about embracing natural law and Nature as a spiritual path, according to what he is saying. These things would seem to be fully up for you now, and the transformation of Pluto is happening as well to take you into new territory for yourself.

You likely have a lot of vitality at your disposal and your desire to get out there and make something happen could be fully roused up. Your uncompromising side could also be more prominent so you want to make sure you have plenty of space to go your own way. Collaborations could be challenging in the days surrounding the Full Moon especially because Mars in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn at this time. Power struggles are possible especially for things pertaining to money and resources. This period could illuminate the inherent dynamics contained within your relationships but you may have to take a step back and let the dust settle before you can find common ground again.

The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd bringing a more introspective influence in the following weeks. You might find yourself turning inward and needing more solitude in order to sort out what you want at this time. Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on the 26th which may bring confusion and reveries so that it could be harder to know yours or someone else’s true feelings. However, Venus sextile Jupiter a few days later brings hope that everything will be all right. The end of the month also brings a challenging aspect between the Sun in Scorpio and Saturn in Aquarius that may force you to look at a truth you didn’t want to see. Wishful thinking will not be helpful at this time. It Is, however, a good opportunity to face the reality of a situation and adjust yourself accordingly.

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