Sagittarius Horoscope for November 2021

Sagittarius Horoscope for November 2021

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents a time of consolidation for you, Sagittarius, following an entirely introspective month of October, when Mercury was retrograding through your sector of friendship, group activity, and societal interaction. In the current month, you are essentially utilizing your intuition to come to a better idea of what you are up to in this lifetime, and where to place your energy as consistent with your most profound underlying principles, as you further transform into your next stage. In this, your evolving values are one key, along with your self-expression, and how well that wellspring of creativity reflects who you actually are on the inside. As you wrestle with balancing inner and outer, you are drawn to explore your interior resources as never before, and you benefit extremely from paying the closest attention to intimations of all that is transpiring within you, just below the threshold of conscious awareness, as revealed in reverie and in dreams. It could be an important time to journal what is going on down there, as you can come to this, and to take your unconscious process more seriously.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

For the past month, Mercury Retrograde in Libra could have brought a focus on the alliances and business partnerships of your life with the reflection of how some of these could be slowing down your progress versus helping you prosper. You may have felt some frustrations or a lack of support from the very people that you once supposed were helping you. You could also have had way too many things on your plate to make much progress in what was a largely introspective time period for you. This month, with Mercury emerging from its retrograde shadow as November begins, could be more productive for you.

Venus was also transiting in your sign last month, emphasizing your relationships and your goals, and this is is true for the first week of November continuing to bless you with Venusian charms and the ability to get what you want. You could be busy finalizing projects at the beginning of the month and it could also be a good time to take a step back in order to assess your overall direction.

The Scorpio Full Moon takes place on November 4th in the part of your chart that relates to dream imagination and your unconscious process. This New Moon, therefore, signals the beginning of a new cycle related to your deep desires surrounding truth and more extensively your need to better understand yourself in your inner world. Sometimes you just cannot get to the bottom of something or someone, not even yourself; but you can still try. This new cycle may also bring up the need to let go as you may have been avoiding the deeper feelings that have been simmering. You might need to release stress that has been building up inside you. There will be energy in the following weeks to release and better comprehend the things that you have perhaps been bottling up. Mercury finally enters Scorpio as well, on the 5th, to join the Sun there until the 24th, making this another excellent time for any type of introspective work.

On the 5th also, Venus enters Capricorn where she will be transiting for an exceptionally long time, until March 2022, due to her moving retrograde in late December lasting for most of January. Venus in Capricorn for the next seventeen weeks implies that you may feel called over this extended time period to revise your resources and your financial situation and more extensively to assess your self-worth, especially in 2022. A vocational trajectory could be up for review but you’ll have plenty of time during the next four months to brainstorm.

The First Quarter Moon on the 11th arrives in Aquarius and the days surrounding this date could be particularly agitating. You could have trouble if you can’t find a good outlet for any inner tension you might be experiencing. Mercury and Mars conjunct in the sign of Scorpio could lead to obsessive thinking or some kind; however, this aspect is also great for research. Both Mercury and Mars square Saturn in Aquarius on the 9th and 10th, which could lead to difficulties verbalizing what is bothering you or for a misunderstanding to occur. These aspects could lead to a breakthrough although patience and effort might be required first.

Fantasy and escapism are more than possible as the Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on the 11th and 12th. You may feel like spending time alone in your imagination and it would be a good time to do so. The Sun squares Jupiter in Aquarius on the 15th, which could bring a more positive outlook and yet also a tendency to go overboard.

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 19th is another significant juncture for you and might highlight current stressors or the need to deal with the emotional and physical aspects of your life to find greater ease. Relationships are emphasized, and also concepts of service to others, including a close partner. This is the first of several eclipses that will occur on the Scorpio/Taurus axis in the next year which for you may highlight your mind and body connection and the need to attend or organize the physical aspects of your everyday life. Streamlining your schedule while also dealing with your stress could directly influence your revenue stream and help you prosper.

You’ll be happier when the Sun enters your sign on the 21st. Also, thoughtful Mercury follows suit on the 24th entering your sign and giving you some tools for analysis of all that is going on. You should have more energy to deal with the world and your responsibilities at this time following the recent weeks of introspection. You might be better able to deal with things that were stalling out during the first half of November and things could get a lot busier. The last seven days of the month are likely to be more productive and fluid. You can expect communications of all kinds to increase and your negotiations should yield better results now than in the first half of November.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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