Scorpio Horoscope for April 2017

Scorpio Horoscope for April 2017

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of philosophical speculation and introspection, Scorpio. You are coming into more consciousness concerning partnership in your life and also for joining yourself to a greater cause than your own personal self-interest. As Mercury Retrogrades through your relationship sector from April 9th to the 19th, you will be drawn toward a meditative internal stance regarding current or potential partners. It is important to recognize that you are not giving anything up, only expanding your mental horizons. Just as you have a body and need to nourish it on a physical level, you have an ego and that, too, needs nourishing. There are currently intimations of a sense of going beyond the immediate areas of life to make yourself part of a bigger picture. This involves a level of intuitional awareness that is quite strong in you this month, leading you to tune more closely to how you relate to key partners in your life and also to your own mission of service to others.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist and AstroGraph team member Leslie Benson and edited by Henry Seltzer. To learn more about Leslie's work, visit Astrology for Awakening.

This month is calling upon the expression of your soul from the realms of unseen mystery into the mundane world before you. Throughout this month you may wish to pause here and there to really contemplate and feel the quality of your experience in everyday moments. April’s astrology cycle started with the Aries New Moon of March 27th, just before the month began, and the configurations of this lunation suggests cosmic lessons around bringing more love into your worldly experience – even if it’s just while brushing your teeth or tying your shoes! How do you bridge the magic of eternal mystery to the mundane? How do you bring the juice of your creativity into the moments that at first glance seem boring, inconsequential, or shallow? This month may show you just that. Everyday life may at times feel like a prison to Scorpio’s disposition for depth connection, because your archetype intrinsically craves transcendence and mystery. Is there a way you can transcend through the material world, instead of trying to escape from it?

Written into this dynamic configuration of the planets is also an invitation to express your love for yourself through attention to radical self esteem and well being. It may be that your growing edge in your relationship with yourself is not just about your thoughts, feelings or attitudes, but in how you actively treat and care for your whole body and being. Right now you are being invited to link the vast resource of your capacity for depth and magic into the actions of self care, whether it’s making healthy food, drinking enough water, or making that dentist appointment that you need. Performing these simple actions and tasks with the love of your whole being has the potential to heal and transform reality, itself.

As Venus continues her retrograde until the 15th, and Mercury stations retrograde on the 9th, this month is also about re-negotiating that threshold where you extend from the solely individual into realms of relating. You may be served up some (harsh) new insights about your tendencies, perhaps in the form of reflection from your closest people. With these personal planet retrogrades you will want to slow down, and be gentle with yourself. You benefit when you can communicate clearly and carefully with the ones you love, and take care of yourself the best way you know how when conflict arises.

There will be many surprises along the way this month, and many freedoms to be enjoyed if you are able to really open up to the wisdom of the Universe. It might benefit you to adopt Rob Brezsny’s concept of “Pronoia,” the belief that the cosmos is infinitely working in your favor, to help you become more whole and integrated (even if at first glance what you are up to might seem like a big ol' mess!) Integration and grounding are available through practices in the material realm. This could manifest in many ways, but some examples could be: feeling the pleasure in your body when you have the self-discipline wake up and get on the yoga mat; saying no to that extra dessert; having only one glass of wine instead of three. In improving your self-discipline you may be afforded more freedom and liberation in the long term, especially where your health is concerned.

Around the Full Moon of the 10th, an opportunity arises to call upon the divine mystery to support and soothe you emotionally. Can you feel the cosmos loving you up? If there is turbulence in your life circumstances, or your sense of well-being feels rocked by unsettling events, the invitation is there to surrender your fears and worries to something greater than yourself. You can call this this Spirit, Source, God, Gaia. Whatever that cosmic loving presence is for you, you are being asked to trust it. This is a good month to begin to find your faith in something you cannot see, but you can feel. Allow this soothing presence to calm your rage, to re-assure your hopelessness, and above all, to remind you that you are not separate from it. If you have forgotten this simple perspective, easy to do, the Universe may respond by serving brilliant reminders, miracles if you will, indicating that you belong intrinsically to the greater whole of life. Remember – you may be a bit of stardust, spiraling through space on a blue marble. More simply put, you are Love.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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