Scorpio Horoscope for May 2017

Scorpio Horoscope for May 2017

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of consternation and revelation, Scorpio, in ways that involve others in your life as well as yourself. As you launch into another month of navigating deep change, with a decided focus on partnership interaction, there is information coming at you from all directions. You want to innovate and yet you want to stay still. Your curiosity regarding the world around you becomes an all-out serious search for meaning. There is an enormous impulse for finding your most appropriate mission – that set of tasks you came into this lifetime to fulfill – and hesitation about committing to one avenue of exploration. With Mercury in retrograde, or just recovering, there is a great deal of introspection. You are changing in important ways, and close connection with intimate others is a mirror for your progress as well as one catalyst for growth. You create balance within yourself by reaching down and by reaching out.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist and AstroGraph team member Leslie Benson and edited by Henry Seltzer. To learn more about Leslie's work, visit Astrology for Awakening.

New opportunities and continued trials and transformation for your evolution are weaving complex strands through your astrological tapestry this month. The Taurus New Moon, taking place a few days prior to the beginning of May, landing squarely in your partnership sector, speaks to renewed focus this month of energetic anchoring within your relationship realm, whether you are partnered or not. The theme of “self and other” will be prominent throughout the month, with a revived sense of self-compassion and serious exploration of what you value in relating. The New Moon configuration also signals a continued flow of intense and dynamic energies, as represented by Mercury stationing to direct motion in close conjunction with Uranus and forming. Revolutionary Uranus with retrograde Mercury, followed by Mercury in the beginning of its forward motion closing in once again to the Trickster Planet, spells surprises and unexpected enlightenment. The Grateful Dead line comes to mind, that “once in a while you can get shown the light/ In the strangest of places if you look at it right.” Continued themes of brilliant ideas emerging, shocking events occurring, or other forms of cosmic trickery in the spirit of “shake you up to wake you up” have both a disruptive and a potentially salutary effect. Mercury Retrograde stations direct on May 3rd, so the energy is particularly inward at the very start of the month, then subtly shifts. You may wish, as the month unfolds, to take this time to reflect with yourself upon what occurred during April, and how to harvest and integrate the lessons you might be able to glean from any new insights. This could be centered on your sense of health and well-being, and as well the structures of your life: both those that serve you and those that you are ready to let go of. There is a way that self-discipline and spiritual practice can create the foundation from which your cravings for liberation and spaciousness can actually become more greatly fulfilled.

During the Full Moon of May 10th, taking place in your own sign of Scorpio, both of your ruling planets, Pluto and Mars, are amplified in the configuration. The long arc of Pluto’s current influence has been and will be asking you to transform your beliefs around and orientation to your mental constructs. This month, the highlighted themes of this transformation of thought and perspective may pertain most to your emotional experience in relationship to others, or being in a consideration of how your stories support empowerment or disempowerment within that area of your life. This also links to your sexual nature, vitality, and ways of operating in intimate connection. There’s an opportunity for you to cultivate your sense of deep Mystery – which is basically your connection with Spirit – for support in this process. You may wish to tap into a creative flow of expression to bring the synchronistic whispers of truth more easefully into your understanding. If your instinctual nature feels heightened now, you can take advantage of this for important leverage. Your dream world, or subconscious, has beacons of hope to share with you, especially when you can listen from a place of intuition. The Universe is asking you to relinquish your sense of control and reason by surrendering into the infinite loving wisdom of your Soul and unity consciousness. What may unfold from here is yet to be known, but there is an open invitation for your most brilliant, ingenious, and authentic self to emerge and to shine even more brightly into all aspects of your life and world.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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