Scorpio Horoscope for July 2017

Scorpio Horoscope for July 2017

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather intense month for you, Scorpio, one in which you are seeking the deeper significance of everything that you do. You can perhaps find spiritual meaning even in the midst of the most mundane details. You are also coming into a new conception of who you are in this world, the persona that you choose, not so much as a mask, but rather as a transmitter, to meet up with others around you. Intimate relationship in particular will be especially empowered in this way. As you discover the darkest, most inner secrets of interpersonal connection you better understand its import for you currently. This inevitably leads you back to your own inner world. The eventual result of these depth researches is that you become more aware of your most treasured values, and that in turn gives you a more complete basis for an emerging sense of life purpose.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

You don’t often see those born under the sign of the Scorpion in crisis mode. What you see is usually someone who is cool, calm, collected, deep, and ready for action. My mother, for example, is a Scorpio and she’s worked many long years in hospitals as a nurse. She is very good during a crisis and often is that energetic or emotional glue for everyone else when someone in the family dies, gets sick, or is down in the dumps. At the same time, Scorpios need emotional catharsis. If not personally, then Scorpios need to be in environments that pulse with intensity. The fixed quality of Scorpio, as well as the rulership of Mars and the watery elemental disposition, make Scorpios some of the most solid but simultaneously dramatic or intense people. It takes a lot for Scorpios to be shaken by life, though others are regularly shaken by Scorpios. So, this month’s astrology is especially important for Scorpios because it has the look of an intense and personal crisis of your faith.

The month begins with Mars, your planetary ruler, combust the Sun and in its fall in the ninth house of spirituality, religion, philosophy, and beliefs. In traditional astrology, this month’s Mars is said to be “an old Mars” because it is under the beams of the Sun and about to be eclipsed by the Sun, starting a new synodic cycle. Not only is it an old Mars, but it is also in the sign of its depression, Cancer, the watery sign of the Moon that tends to depress the heat and action of Mars. Put together, we have a symbol of the end of something, and the rebirth or beginning of something, relative to your most personal beliefs. Or, it could be that you are completing a long season of studying something, or that you are finishing a degree or training program, or that you are saying goodbye to a long-time teacher or mentor, or that you are become disillusioned with something you used to feel very strongly about.

The ninth house is also a house of long journeys, pilgrimages, or travel abroad. So, it’s also possible that your time abroad somewhere is coming to an end, or that you’re in the midst of a difficult but ultimately transformative journey this month. Or you may find that your fascination or calling to a specific part of the world is ending or beginning. Regardless, a depressed Mars falling into the furnace of the Sun to be transformed within the ninth house of beliefs and knowledge is a powerful symbol, suggesting that this month you could open your heart and mind together to receive a new way of thinking, perceiving, or believing. Often such changes are part of a much deeper transformation that is occurring, a transformation that requires that we first change our minds or beliefs about something.

But note that these changes you’re going through right now are just a prelude to a very dynamic eclipse season in August, taking place in your house of career. So stay tuned for more next month, and in the meantime, good luck!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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