Scorpio Horoscope for August 2017

Scorpio Horoscope for August 2017

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a terrific month for progress, Scorpio, with respect to both internal and external agendas. You are making a fresh start in career and profession, and taking your depths more completely into account as you do so. Even as you plan and act, you are making a trust fall, straight backwards, counting on the universe to catch and sustain you. As you gain greatly in terms of outer world success, you simultaneously find your deep commitment to soul intention, which might in time prove to be the core basis of true fulfillment. All month long you are building toward the climactic moment of the New Moon solar eclipse of August 21st which takes place near the top of your chart, and confirms in you a sense of mission, and of revised values consistent with your most idealized viewpoint on what you have to contribute to the world around you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

In just a few months Jupiter will enter your sign to stay for an entire year, marking a time of good luck, personal growth, and expansion. Perhaps in preparation for this season of Jupiterian opportunities, August features two eclipses, back to back, in your tenth house of career, vocation, calling, reputation, achievement, and success. Let’s take a closer look.

The first eclipse is a lunar eclipse (lunar eclipses always fall on Full Moons) in Aquarius and the second eclipse is a solar eclipse (solar eclipses always fall on New Moons) in Leo. The lunar eclipse takes place on August 7th and the solar eclipse on August 21st. Lunar eclipses represent serious moments of culmination, critical mass, or closure, whereas solar eclipses represent new opportunities, new beginnings, and powerful changes of direction in life generally. With the first eclipse happening in your fourth house of home and family, it could very well be that you are experiencing the culmination of something on the home front. For example, you might be finishing a home project, moving, witnessing the passage of an elderly family member, or observing generational changes in the family. On the other hand, as the fourth house refers to our inner landscapes, fourth house lunar eclipses could signal deep inner changes happening in the unconscious, whose effects we will now gradually become conscious of.

The second eclipse is a solar eclipse (solar eclipses always fall on New Moons) in Leo in your tenth house, on August 21st. Solar eclipse in the tenth house often signal a time of great change or new opportunities professionally, or in terms of your overall life purpose or direction. It might be that you are no longer interested in the career you’ve been in and will start to look for a new job, or perhaps return to school. Or, you could take a totally new direction within the same field. On the other hand, the solar eclipse in your tenth house could bring concerns related to your public reputation, or career reputation. Scorpios usually aren’t ones to seek the limelight, and so eclipses in the tenth might also bring up concerns about what people should or shouldn’t see or know about you publicly, or how much privacy you should have. The tenth house solar eclipse happening on the heels of the fourth house lunar eclipse could also involve scandals or public versus private versions of ourselves and the issues or tensions between who we are publicly versus who we are behind closed doors. Just remember, real security is found in the soul, whose nature is eternal. When we rest there, then we don’t have to attack or defend who we are, and we don’t have to define ourselves by what others think of us, what we’ve accomplished or what we’re paid or what titles we’ve earned. This is especially important for you, Scorpio, because you are here to discover the security of the soul within a world of impermanence and constant transformation.

Sometimes for Scorpios, having bigger moments of public success, promotion, or achievement, is truly more difficult than anything else, and this is because the public arena often brings with it more uncertainty, unreliability, or unpredictability. Just remember, with Jupiter coming into your first house in October, these eclipses are preparing you for a year of expanded confidence and good fortune. You were born for these moments as much as any other, so good luck, Scorpio!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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