Scorpio Horoscope for September 2017

Scorpio Horoscope for September 2017

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are finding your way forward this month in some very new and different ways, Scorpio. The career and professional life decisions that you make are based on both mystical and entirely practical considerations, either alternating or an amalgam of both. This is confusing unless and until you learn to let go of entire control and allow the universe to do its part. You will have a better handle on what it is that you hold inside, at depth, after the powerful Mercury Retrograde has fully passed, over the course of the first two weeks of the month. There are many surprises in store as you take up what might be considered the roadmap for the rest of your life, with a growing sense of commitment to higher purpose. This serves the surrounding collective as well as making a match with your most ch Erished values, at least as far as you can discern them.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Samuel Reynolds; visit him at Unlock Astrology :

Celebrated author Johannes Von Goethe said, “Freedom and life are earned by those who alone conquer them each day anew.” In many ways this month, you’ll both affirm and discover more about this maxim.

Your search to steer your own course through life on your own terms deepens. You don’t like anyone or anything to push you around. In worldly terms, this is what many call power or perhaps self-empowerment. But, for you, this mostly means freedom. And you are truly willing to fight for your freedom, nearly at any costs.

Mercury’s retrograde through commanding Leo ends on the 5th. For the last month, you’ve likely had some questions about your own power or ambition. Or perhaps you’ve had miscommunications with others in authority. Since Mercury’s match-up by conjunction with driven Mars on the 3rd, though, you’ve likely felt compelled to answer the questions and untangle knotted conversations. The key is whether you’ll try to do that with impatience and pent-up frustration, even anger. Or will you tap into deeper reserves with greater patience and wisdom.

One way to find your chill might come along with the Pisces Full Moon on the 6th. You could be putting so much emphasis on your freedom and autonomy that you lose sight of what makes your life pleasurable. You benefit by taking time to appreciate the sweeter aspects of life, or by meditating on what makes you happy. This is not necessarily how you’ll be happy. Sometimes if you relax a little, you can find your way to the how far more easily than from all your best laid plans and schemes. Your intuition can get more into the game, as well. Your gut often knows a course of action while your brain is still chewing on one thought at a time.

The sweeping vision of your intuition doesn’t mean you won’t have to earn each piece of the puzzle you’re putting together. Fortunately, you have Mercury joining Mars again on the 16th —this time in precise Virgo—to help with that. This happens in your 11th house of friends, associates, and future goals. As Goethe said, you can begin to mine each day and each friendship for your freedom and your life.

The Virgo New Moon of the 19th will challenge you to right relationship and new planning for a future you can really live with. In this, you might need to recognize that none of us can stay here without serving something or someone larger than ourselves. There are just too many details to manage without the help of the universe to guide us.

Generous Jupiter’s opposition with eccentric Uranus on the 28th may bring beautiful lessons also. Your goodwill toward another could be an unexpected blessing. Your commitment to conquer each day can be recognized by others who share your commitment to freedom for all. Having a tit for tat mentality doesn’t truly balance out life’s ledgers, and your open-hearted help can grow like compounded interest in the life of another.

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