Scorpio Horoscope for April 2018

Scorpio Horoscope for April 2018

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of trials and transformation, Scorpio, although good fortune comes to you as well, to the extent that you can stay open to your possibilities. The first half of April, stemming from the extremely potent Full Moon of March 31st, represents a difficult stretch of time. Subtle feelings emerging from deep within you, and the introspective Mercury Retrograde period, finds you second-guessing what you are up to in this lifetime. There have been intimations of a different approach to anything that you have ever tried before, but these are subtle, and drift away from you in the very act of trying to pin them down. After the April 15th New Moon you might find unexpected enlightenment in the disruption of everyday circumstances and events. Based on the steep learning curve in which you are presently engaged, you are trying for a fresh start in the way you see your mission of service.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

April begins just as Venus is entering your seventh house of love and relationships, and just as Mars and Saturn are conjoining in your third house of siblings, communication, and short journeys. Sometimes Mars and Saturn are described as “serious and focused,” whereas Venus in the seventh is typically described as “ease and grace in relationships.” Put the two together in a harmonious trine and you get a lovely blend of mature, deep, and satisfying exchanges in relationships right now. If you’re being too serious or protective, or even secretive, don’t be afraid to let someone special draw you out into the open. Between April 7th and April 11th, Venus will be making trines to Saturn and Mars, at which point you may also notice an important negotiation or mutually beneficial agreement being made. Though you are instinctively protective, make sure that you aren’t looking a gift horse in the mouth!

Late in the evening of April 10th and into April 11th the Sun in Aries in your sixth house of labor, health issues, and service will make a square to Pluto in your third house of siblings, communication, and short journeys. Watch for issues related to your siblings, be careful not to overwork or exhaust yourself, and be especially mindful when traveling to take good care of your health. This is a difficult transit that may feature you being asked to help or serve someone in need, or it may involve fighting or advocating for something, or possibly addressing an issue you are having with an authority figure or someone you oversee or hire.

April 15th to 18th the Sun in Aries will conjoin with the rebellious and unpredictable Uranus in Aries in your sixth house, exact just days after a New Moon in Aries on April 15th. If you are dealing with unfair conditions in the workplace, don’t be surprised if you feel the need to rebel, speak up, or address things with someone who is able to help you. If you are the one in power, then don’t be surprised if those below you turn up with some complaints or criticism. Just remember, burning bridges, holding grudges, or create drama to make a point is never liberating because it only leads to further complications in the future. If you are busy working on something, don’t be surprised if you experience a breakthrough, and if you are dealing with health challenges, don’t be surprised for a turn of events, and maybe even a little healing miracle!

Between April 16th and 17th, Venus in Taurus in your seventh house of relationships is opposing Jupiter in Scorpio in your first house of self, health, and new beginnings. This is a romantic transit that can point to a strong level of magnetism or attraction between your self and others. Be careful of overdoing things, extravagance, or unrealistic promises or agreements, and remember that whatever comes up must go down. And remember, nobody gets anywhere in life without sharing with and trusting one another.

Finally, on April 26th, Mars will conjoin with Pluto in your third house of communication, siblings, and short journeys. Mars and Pluto represent both free will and fate, both action and will as well as inevitability and consequence. When the two come together in this house you will see words that hurt and words that heal, words that are true and words that have been repressed or held back for too long. You may also hear yourself saying and thinking things that are YOUR feelings and thoughts, but it is as if they are being said aloud and becoming real for the first time. With Jupiter in your first house all year, you are being empowered to become a better and more honest version of yourself. This will require that you learn to share the power of your inner emotions with less reservation and with deeper trust in yourself and those around you. Everyone can enjoy you when you’re being honest, kind, simple, and without ulterior motive. The real question is, can you handle putting yourself out there in a more vulnerable way? And the answer is yes… you can handle it, so speak your truth in simple kindness and watch your old ideas about yourself fall apart and regenerate into something new.


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