Scorpio Horoscope for March 2018

Scorpio Horoscope for March 2018

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are making amazing progress this month, Scorpio, and it is all on the inside. Accolades might come later, after making it through internal trials and triumphs; for now there is the satisfaction of achieving a better balance between inner and outer, self and other. There is a visionary creativity available to you, which comes from depth, and which can also seem confusing when you see yourself as trying for absolutely practical results. Unexpected revelations surrounding workplace concerns or day-to-day circumstances lead you to fresh consideration of what is going on beneath the surface of commonplace routines. A soft revolution is taking place within you that has the potential to change everything, and that takes some getting used to. It may be helpful to recognize that you are not alone in driving this bus, but rather you are in a process of co-creation with the Universe as you continue heading out toward a partially unknown destination.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month of March begins with a Full Moon in your eleventh house of friends, allies, and groups. You might be especially focused on friendships, groups of people, and community issues to begin the month. The Full Moon in the eleventh may also provide you with new allies or exciting networking opportunities. Just remember, you tend to be somewhat protective or suspicious by nature, so be careful not to look a gift horse in the mouth. If something or someone good comes along right now, try to open your heart to them or it!

On March 4th the Sun and Neptune conjoin in Pisces, therefore in your fifth house, while Mercury and Venus also conjoin in Pisces. Are you honoring the needs you have for healthy fun and playfulness? If not, then what is keeping you from it? With a large stellium of planets traveling through the traditional house of joy, creativity, and happiness, these are important questions to ask yourself right now. If you have kids it’s also a good month to spend extra time with them, as they might be going through an important period of growth!

Late March 5th into early March 6th Mercury will cross into Aries and on March 6th Venus will also enter Aries, both thus moving into your sixth house of day-to-day concerns, suffering, and service. You might be called to help friends or lovers who are suffering this month, or you might be called to speak out or speak up on behalf of a cause or on behalf of a cause that is calling you to action. You are one of the most passionate advocates in the zodiac but remember that if you are exhausting yourself it WILL eventually catch up with you.

Between late in the evening of March 10th through March 13th Mercury and Venus in Aries in your sixth house will be moving through square aspects to Saturn in Capricorn in your third house. It’s a good time for addressing difficult subjects in your relationships. Stick to your principles. Telling the truth isn’t easy, and people may sometimes tell you that it’s also not necessary to broach such difficult subjects but remember that most of the time everyone benefits from the kind of honesty you bring to the conversation.

On March 17th the Pisces New Moon takes place in your fifth house, renewing your attitude toward pleasure and creativity, and also your offspring or in the form of other children as well. A burst of fresh energy enlivens these areas. Also, Mars enters Capricorn and moves into your third house, making for a period of hard mental or intellectual work. You may be asked to speak, advocate, teach, write, or communicate in defense of something right now. It’s also a good time to further your studies or to develop or hone your skills. Mars in Capricorn is an incredibly hard and focused worker, but you also need to be careful not to take things so seriously that you give yourself a headache!

March 20th marks the Spring Equinox, at which time the Sun goes into Aries and moves into your sixth house, signaling the dawning of the light half of the year. The Sun is exalted in Aries, and hence the burgeoning Springtime is catalyzing you to make big changes. In the sixth house these changes, once again, could involve themes of healing yourself or potentially being of service to others, or even to a cause you are feeling passionate about.

Next, on March 23rd Venus in Aries in your sixth house squares Pluto in Capricorn in your third, while Mercury also turns retrograde in Aries in your sixth house. Miscommunication can spiral out of control very easily right now, so be extra careful to exercise patience and care when dealing with difficult topics. Remember that nobody likes to be forced into anything. Real change usually requires patience, even after people have “got the message.” Keep yourself open to changes of plan at this time and over the next three to five weeks; have faith that good things come to those who stay persistent and kind.

On March 28th Venus briefly conjoins Uranus in Aries in your sixth house. Here we see the planet of love and relationships conjoin with the planet of the rebel and the innovator in the house of suffering and service. You may be called to think outside of the box or to come up with innovative solutions to complex relationship challenges or demands. Don’t be surprised if your inner rebel or child needs to act out, or if your friends, clients, or lovers are asking more of you than what you might be ready to give.

Finally, on March 31st it’s a Full Moon in Libra in your twelfth house. Make sure you are taking plenty of rest and personal time as the month ends. The twelfth house calls us to find our way through a temporary period of confusion or emotional heartache by taking time out for quiet and solitude. Most of the answers we need aren’t found until we get quiet enough to hear the voice of our heart. Though you are used to operating at a high level within stressful situations, you will always need deeper periods of peace and quiet to know how you’re really feeling inside. Take this time as an opportunity to get clear before moving forward again!

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