Scorpio Horoscope for August 2018

Scorpio Horoscope for August 2018

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a key month for you, Scorpio, with plenty of action on both outer and inner levels. From the timing of the recent lunar eclipse, just a few days before the beginning of August, you are even more invested in home and family concerns. You are looking for the hidden motivations behind all of your familial interactions, and your connection to the past, perhaps even seeing these in metaphorical terms, as symbols for your life path. This is a time of great synchronicity, for you especially, and you benefit from staying as aware as possible of all the ramifications of the events and ideas swirling around you. Jupiter, located in your sign, is now in forward motion, and combined with nebulous Neptune, so that your self-expression is blossoming in mystical directions that could lead to surprising career opportunities. Outcomes incline to the favorable. Things might not trend toward the best possible result, but nevertheless they will eventually manifest as the best result possible.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Your month starts with retrograde Mars in Aquarius in your fourth house of family igniting an explosive square to Uranus in Taurus in your seventh or relationship house. This transit is a bit like the aftershock of an earthquake considering the recent lunar eclipse that also fell into your fourth house on July 27th. The topics of your family, home, parents, living situation, and partnerships or marriage are headline news right now, with possible shocks, disruptions, rapid changes or revolutions, coming one after the other. With Jupiter in your home sign of Scorpio all year long, the good news is that you have the confidence, charm, and good luck to deal with any challenges arising right now. Plus, being a Scorpio, you are by nature better than most at handling intense transformational dynamics such as these.

Between August 6th and August 9th Venus will enter Libra in your twelfth house and immediately square Saturn in Capricorn in your third house. Given the emphasis on your seventh house this month, it’s safe to say that you might be reeling from the changes happening in your relationships. Don’t be surprised if you need time alone, time to reflect, or if you are longing for a deeper and more mature conversation or communication with those that you love. On the other hand, if things have been moving too quickly, then you may want to consider putting the brakes on for the moment to evaluate your feelings and gain a broader and more mature or more balanced perspective.

Meanwhile, for most of the month Mercury is retrograde in your tenth house of career, and on August 11th, you will be receiving a solar eclipse in your tenth house of career. There are strong indications here that you will be experiencing some significant changes in your career or in the workplace. For example, you might be considering a new form of technology, a new project or public relations strategy, or you might be changing careers, titles, or job descriptions. On the other hand, you may find that you are experiencing reversals of fortune in your career. For example, a strategy that was previously unsuccessful may work better than ever, or vice versa. The solar eclipse in your tenth house is also the last of several that you’ve had in your tenth house since the winter of 2016-2017, perhaps indicating that whatever changes are happening in your career right now, and in the months ahead, represent a more total transformation that is finally settling in.

Finally, on August 26th, the Full Moon in Pisces is swimming through your fifth house, while Venus in Libra in your twelfth house is squaring Pluto in Capricorn in your third house of learning and communicating. Here the theme of communication in your relationships again stands out, but this time the topics are more intense, deep, subversive, or even taboo. Though you are naturally a creature of intense privacy and protectiveness, there may be a deeper level of creativity, pleasure, and spontaneity available to you, and perhaps within your relationships, if you are daring enough to open emotionally and address whatever secret thoughts, feelings, or shadows are lingering within. On the other hand, this combination of aspects can also point to overdoing things or possibly indulging someone else’s fantasies to your own detriment, so trust your protective instincts (without being paranoid), and use your inner radar to discern what’s moving beneath the surface right now.

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