Scorpio Horoscope for September 2018

Scorpio Horoscope for September 2018

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is all about seasonal transition, Scorpio, but in a larger sense than what is normally indicated. There are unseen cosmic weather patterns that are shifting, for you in particular, along with the falling temperature. You are emerging from a summer of retrogrades and eclipses that have hit your solar chart quite directly, and are finding now that the time has come to take stock of your experience. You have been mulling over your outer presentation, applying a sense of spiritual mission, and a feeling of creativity that comes straight from your heart. Because Mercury is out of its retrograde shadow, and Mars, though still in Capricorn, is also straightening out, the beginning half of September represents the ideal time for reassessment. Generally speaking, your recent experiences have alerted you that something major needs to change, and you are looking to find actions to take, in both career and personal life, that make for a closer match with your most deeply felt values.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

September begins with Mercury in Leo in your tenth house making a sextile to Venus in Libra in your twelfth house of unconscious process, culminating on September 3rd. You’ll want to be extra careful about gossip, secrets, or drama in the work place right now, with the planet of communication making a connection with Venus, planet of relationships, in the twelfth house of secrets and self-undoing. On the other hand, because the twelfth house is also related to healing and inner growth work, you might take this as an opportunity to be of unique service to others.

On September 8th, Venus in Libra in your twelfth house will square your ruling planet, Mars, in Capricorn in your third house of communication and the mind. This has sexual and creative tension written all over it, but given the third and twelfth house dynamics you might be feeling these energies more internally, or you might be noticing these qualities in your dreams, or in what you are reading about online, or the kind of conversations you are having. Be extra careful about what kinds of people you are allowing to influence you, as Venus in the twelfth house can sometimes indicate some loss of self or boundAries. On the other hand, there is potentially an opening for healing or deepening within your relationships, especially if you are willing to share openly and honestly about the kinds of things that many people would rather keep quiet about.

On September 9th, the New Moon in Virgo lands in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and dreams, while opposing Neptune in the fifth house of creativity, pleasure, and children. Considering that this New Moon also makes a close sextile to Jupiter in Scorpio in your first house, it’s going to be a creative and personally expansive Moon cycle ahead, emphasizing opportunities or good times with your friends or creative collaboration within groups you belong to, or perhaps a sense of growth, joy, or accomplishment regarding your children, if you have any. You might need to use a little extra caution and discernment because with Neptune in the mix it’s easy to lose one’s self or to not see things clearly.

Then, on September 12th, Venus will enter your home sign of Scorpio and make an immediate opposition to Uranus in Taurus in your seventh house of relationships. Venus in combination with Uranus loves to defy traditional sexual land artistic values, so you might notice a rebellious or highly creative energy surrounding the way you communicate or express yourself, or within your close relationships. Also, with Venus turning retrograde in your first house next month, you are on the brink of personal changes, perhaps regarding love, or you might be looking at making some alteration to diet and health, or possibly take an additional focus regarding something as basic as your wardrobe or physical appearance. There will be more to come when Venus retrogrades in this next month!

On September 18th, Mars in Aquarius in your fourth house of home and family will join the party and square Uranus in Taurus in your seventh house of relationships. With your ruling planet, Mars, having just finished a long retrograde in your house of home and family all summer long, you have likely been doing some hard work at home or on yourself, regarding the psychological roots of your very being. It’s been a time of reflection, change, and possibly confrontation or frustration, but now you are poised for a breakthrough as Mars is moving direct again through tis same house, suggesting a period of implementation, integration, and completion. As this final stage of the Mars retrograde cycle in Aquarius completes itself, a square to Uranus in the seventh suggests that changes at home will be coinciding with changes in your relationships. Don’t be surprised if you are feeling the need for greater independence right now because Mars and Uranus also tend to emphasize individuality and the need for greater personal freedom.

Between September 22nd and 23rd, the Sun will pass through the gateway of the Fall Equinox and enter the sign of Libra, moving into your twelfth house. The twelfth house always offers us the opportunity to reflect upon that which is transcendental, and to embody more spiritual substance in our lives, but it often does so by forcing us to step outside the normal hustle and bustle of the world, or through encounters with grief or loss. The beauty of the Sun in your twelfth house for the next thirty days is the opportunity it will provide you with to turn inward and to remember that who you are got started long before you arrived here and will continue to exist long after you’ve left.

Then, September 24th, the Full Moon in Aries will land in your sixth house, opposing the Sun and Mercury in your twelfth house and squaring Saturn in your third house of communication and learning. This is an intense Full Moon, and it will likely bring up some challenging decisions. It’s never easy to make the right choice because the right choice is so often the “hard” choice. And yet, even the hard choices can be made, or communicated to others, with grace, compassion, and sensitivity, and that’s the kind of energy you will need to embody at this time to process the intensity of these energies!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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