Scorpio Horoscope for April 2019

Scorpio Horoscope for April 2019

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month continues the transformational impulse of the past several, Scorpio. You are being asked to become clearer on your life mission, and on where your true priorities lie. This is the prelude to telling others these profound visions for yourself, and then also proceeding to act upon them. Your recent history has been a story of getting closer and closer to being able to articulate what you hold inside, your most sincere values. Your communication over the past three weeks or more of the Mercury Retrograde cycle has been from your depths. As you further explore, these translate into a revised worldview that partakes of a mystical leaning. In the timing of the powerful mid-month Full Moon, your quest is aided by surprising revelations from significant persons in your life. Your intuition is quite strong these days, and also has much to tell you, once you are able to disregard the material world enough to listen to this “still small voice” that emanates from deep inside you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

April brings a series of transits focused on both the fifth house of good fortune, creativity, and joy, as well as the second house of money and resources. First, Mercury in Pisces will conjoin Neptune in Pisces in your fifth house on April 2nd, followed by a square to Jupiter in Sagittarius in your second house on April 12th. Then, Venus will conjoin Neptune in Pisces on April 10th, followed by a square to Jupiter in Sagittarius on April 15th. This entire sequence of events points to the potential for positive developments around money and finances, investments, or creative endeavors. Your children may be a source of joy for you right now, or you might be helping them to invest in their future, or possibly their education. Although Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune bring an aura of romance, imagination, and creativity into your life this month, with Mercury debilitated in Pisces and going through aspects to both dreamy Neptune and expansive Jupiter, it’s important to maintain a rational and grounded perspective. You could easily spend too much or lose yourself in fantasies and thrill seeking.

On April 5th, the New Moon in Aries will fall in your sixth house of work, sickness, strife, and service, and then the Sun will make squares to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in the third house of your immediate environment, siblings, and the mind, between April 10th and 13th. Don’t be surprised if a few obstacles appear this month. They will require you to make firm, and perhaps even swift decisions based on your principles or beliefs. You may also find that you are required to act on the behalf of people in your family or immediate environment who are struggling and in need of help. But be careful of an overly rigid or serious mentality.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 19th, falling in your twelfth house, will eventually bring the need for balance, surrender, and compromise or fairness into the mix of an otherwise very serious and fiery mental energy surrounding you.

Between April 19th and the 23rd, also, Mercury and Venus will both move into Aries and conjoin Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your sixth house of labor, service, strife, and sickness. Here again, we see the emphasis this month on hard work and potential setbacks or frustrations. However, with Chiron in the mix, there is also an opportunity for selfless giving, for healing in relationships, for understanding the wounds of yourself and others, and for learning or growing in relation to whatever challenges may arise.

Then, on April 20th the Sun will enter Taurus and move into your seventh house of relationships, where it will conjoin Uranus through the 23rd, the rebel, disruptor, and innovator. Watch for a brief but enlightening and possibly disruptive moment in relationships during this period.

Finally, between April 25th and 27th, Mars in Gemini in your eighth house of death, rebirth, and other people’s money will square Neptune in Pisces in your fifth house of good fortune, creativity, and joy. This transit brings a wave of both heroic and romantic energy into your life to close the month out. Watch for the desire to merge or join with others creatively or romantically, or to join with partners or friends in a creative or spiritual crusade. Be careful about losing yourself in a moment of reckless defiance or of giving too much of yourself or your resources away or of demanding too much from others.

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