Scorpio Horoscope for May 2019

Scorpio Horoscope for May 2019

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an exciting month for you, Scorpio, one in which you will delve more deeply into your own mind and heart as you come to better understand issues of intimacy with important or prospective partners. The very concept of relationship – and what it means for you – will be at the forefront of your explorations, which in actuality serves to further your understanding of yourself at deep levels. Your learning curve has been intense. You have, over recent months, been actively engaged in studying your communication style for clues to how you can better articulate your most sincere values, leading you to begin to act strictly from this place of dedication. You have all along been enlisted, with varying stages of conscious commitment, in a mission of service to the surrounding collective that will in time become productive. The great paradox is that, as you lose yourself by reaching out to important partners, and to others around you, including the enclosing social matrix, you ultimately find yourself.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins just as Mercury in Aries in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service squares Saturn in Capricorn in your third house of communication and the mind. At the same time, Mercury will also conjunct Eris, square Pluto, and make a sextile with Mars in Gemini in your eighth house of death and rebirth, creating what is traditionally called a “mutual reception” (May 1st to May 3rd). The mood around this transit is mentally intense, potentially combative, but also highly creative and productive. It should be easy to drill down to what is most essential and to act swiftly, or to adapt on the fly, in order to navigate a potentially tumultuous series of events.

On May 4th, the New Moon in Taurus will fall in your opposite sign, representing your seventh or relationship house, putting intimate relationships and even business partnerships in the spotlight for the lunation cycle ahead. Close connection and also delving down into your own depths becomes an important theme for the month ahead, and one feeds upon the other.

Between May 5th and 6th, combative Mars in Gemini, your traditional ruler, in your eighth house of transformation and other people’s money will oppose expansive Jupiter in your second house of finances and resources. It wouldn’t be surprising to see both big gains and possibly big expenditures during this transit. You may also be taking on a loan, making a large purchase or selling something, or perhaps paying off an old debt.

Then, between May 7th and May 8th, intelligent Mercury will conjoin unpredictable Uranus in Taurus in your seventh house of relationships, signaling a moment of creative potentiality in your relationships. Given that Mercury is also the ruler of your eighth house of money, you may find this transit is also related to finances, perhaps especially those related to a spouse or to someone else you are close with.

Between May 6th and the 10th, Venus in Aries in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service will square Saturn, the South Node, and Pluto in Capricorn in your third house of communication and the mind, while also conjuncting Eris and making a trine to Jupiter in Sagittarius in your second house of finances. Obligatory chores and challenging relationship dynamics may bring unexpected gains as the planets of harmony and abundance co-mingle with the planets of necessity and transformation. You may also be tempted to reach for a grandiose or overly indulgent solution to a problem you are feeling exhausted by, so be careful of paying too high a price for the relief or happiness you’re seeking.

Between May 10th and May 15th, the Sun in Taurus in your seventh house of relationships will make trines to the South Node, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn in your third house of communication and the mind. A grand earth trine will also briefly form on May 14th, as the Moon passes through Virgo in your eleventh house of friends, allies, and groups. This should be a highly productive period. You will likely find some very reliable forms of support, both from your immediate environment, within your relationships, and perhaps from friends or colleagues.

On May 18th, the Full Moon will fall in your home sign of Scorpio, brining a more vulnerable and sensitive period of time for your mental, emotional, and physical health. At the same time, Venus will conjoin Uranus in Taurus, sparking a revolutionary shift in relationship dynamics. You will be looking to strike a balance between the need for greater emotional security and the need for creative, sexual, or romantic freedom.

On May 22nd to the 24th, your ruling planet Mars, from the sign Cancer in your ninth house of the higher mind, will square Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries in your sixth house of work and service, creating a moment of deeper learning and spiritual growth. Inner wounding could come up for great attention and conscious connection with. This transit brings with it a wave of intense healing and learning. You might be easily triggered or irritated at this time, especially by any higher authority figure that feels too rigid or oppressive.

Finally, from May 29th to May 30th, Mercury in Gemini in your eighth house of death and rebirth will square Neptune in Pisces in your fifth house while also opposing Jupiter in your second house. You may be inclined to take a significant financial risk at this time, or you might be considering a significant investment in a creative enterprise. Be careful of putting all of your eggs into one basket, as this transit might be prone to a little delusion and bravado, especially related to finances, purchases, lifestyle choices, or business decisions.

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