Scorpio Horoscope for April 2020

Scorpio Horoscope for April 2020

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is an important one for you, Scorpio. You are delving down into that part of your psyche that lies below the surface, in order to improve your understanding of who and what you really are. Your curiosity has been stimulated to transformational purpose, as revealed in the symbolism of potent astrological patterning in connection with the communication and learning sector of your solar chart. While transforming the way that you express yourself to others, you are tapping into your most sincere values. You might be shy of articulating your deepest truth; you are now being encouraged to plainly state it and to act upon it. You could encounter a difficult or limiting situation involving your home and family environment, an indication that is particularly poignant give the difficult worldwide social circumstances that we all are currently facing. Relationship to significant others or business partners is also up for you now, providing novel realizations that could aid you in your quest for greater wholeness.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of April begins with your traditional ruler Mars conjoined with Saturn in Aquarius while your modern ruler Pluto is also conjoined with Jupiter in Capricorn, a highlighted combination this early month, until the 22nd. Your modern ruler Pluto conjoined with Jupiter in Capricorn will bring an energizing influence in your communications. You might find the focus necessary to get a lot of work done. Projects that require concentration are likely to succeed, as you have the current drive to tackle even the hardest tasks. Needless to say, this is a powerful time. Saturn and Mars in Aquarius are also bringing attention to family dynamics, your base of operations, and your living arrangement. Something new is emerging in connection with where you want to be in the world. A chapter of your life may be coming to an end as you contemplate new options.

Mars in Aquarius this month is forcing you to question your place in the world, where you belong, where you want to be. You could feel alienated with the current state of affairs in the world, and it could be a good time to take a step back and regroup. Saturn will be in Aquarius for the next three years. Themes connected to your family of origin, your roots, your ancestors are likely to surface. Mars in Aquarius in your home sector all month means you should have more energy to tackle long-standing issues with your house. An excellent time to get organized at home, streamline your routine, renovate, and have a thorough spring cleaning.

Venus enters Gemini on April 3rd where she will be for the next four months. This is an unusually long time for Venus to remain in one sign, and is due to her station to retrograde motion in early May. Her transit in Gemini will highlight your shared assets, funding, taxes, and the resources that come from partners. You might realize at this time that some structures in your life are connected to other people’s contribution. This could be both a positive or negative thing depending on how independent you want to be. Venus’s time here could also bring up anxieties around partnerships. With Uranus simultaneously transiting in Taurus, revising your alliances is, and will continue to be, a major theme in 2020.

The Full Moon in Libra occurs on April 7th in your soul sector. The Full Moon here illuminates relationship patterns and the ways in which you compromise your integrity for the sake of keeping the peace. This is a time of culmination and clarity in regard to these topics; it is an ongoing process that has been shedding light on your relational dynamics. Your ruler Mars, currently in Aquarius, squares Uranus in Taurus on the day of the Full Moon. This implies that close partners might not take well to your sudden need for space. It could be perceived as erratic and unpredictable. Be mindful of the way you assert your needs around the Full Moon: channel your restlessness into something productive as opposed to getting caught up in petty bickering.

Mercury enters Aries on the evening of April 10th, bringing your attention back to wellness and to keeping a healthy routine. This can be a productive time for you, when you are able to implement a good equilibrium. Efforts put towards streamlining your habits at this time are likely to stick. You will find the discipline you need to make healthy choices.

The Sun enters the sign of Taurus on April 19th, bringing focus on your partnerships. The Sun squares Saturn in Aquarius upon entering Taurus, which could present challenging circumstances. You could feel restricted by relationship obligations or it could be a time when you feel isolated. There is pressure to meet your responsibilities head-on during this time. You could feel restricted by circumstances. The New Moon in Taurus on April 22nd carries a strong impetus for change. The Sun approaching its conjunction to Uranus in Taurus speaks of liberation from stifling circumstances. The Sun squaring Saturn in Aquarius however suggests that these changes might take time to work themselves out. This particular New Moon is a potent one for you. Because it takes place in your house of partnerships, this timing is likely to bring up recent realization regarding relational dynamics. With Uranus in Taurus for the next several years, your relationship requirements have been and will continue to be changing. This potent lunation is your opportunity to set clear intentions in connection with these themes. Freedom and boundaries are likely to be themes that enter into your considerations at this time.

Hard work and discipline are indicated around the 25th and 26th of April. Mercury in Aries squares big players Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn during this final weekend, so that a period of intense focus and effort in the pursuits of your goals could prompt you to put extra hours into a project. Then, Mercury’s ingress into the sign of Taurus on April 27th will shift your attention on partnership obligations while the First Quarter Moon in Leo on April 30th brings tension into your career sector. It might be hard to reconcile the many directions in which you are being pulled right now. Flexibility and receptivity might be the best stance to adopt.

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