Scorpio Horoscope for May 2020

Scorpio Horoscope for May 2020

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting and somewhat challenging month for you, Scorpio. You are concerned with many internal demands upon your attention, not the least your attempting to gain a better understanding of what home and your family mean to you, including your family of origin. You may be considering what is an essentially spiritual connection — being brought to your attention in this chaotic and creative time — with all that is going on inside you. In the midst of this, your focus is on the important partnerships in your life, as well as your intimate connections with significant others. These are unpredictable, and ultimately life-affirming. It is a fundamentally growthful and educational transformation that you find yourself in the midst of, so that you benefit from paying the closest possible attention. After the mid-month retrograde of Venus, you are seeking to explore new facets of intimacy, and of your own creative self-expression. You do well to heed, as you do, your overriding interior urge to look for the deeper meaning.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of May begins with the First Quarter Moon in Leo carrying some tension between your partnerships and your career goals. Taurus season represents a time when you are more invested in your partnerships, or at least a time when you are called upon to compromise in this department. However, with Uranus currently transiting in Taurus, and highlighted, a wind of change is also blowing in that part of your life. Destabilizing — albeit progressive — insights are influencing what you look for and what you need in your relationships. This could well be a positive evolution from patterns that have become stale. It depends very much on how flexible you are with the changes that are trying to happen.

Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces from the beginning of the month, and due to Venus’ retrograde continues for the remainder. This is an aspect that will continue to influence you the entire month of May, bringing an emphasis on your creative connections, and finds you intimately intertwined with the support coming to you from others. There could be confusion found to be contained within your agreements, and it might be hard to differentiate what is yours and what belongs to someone else. Make sure expectations are well defined, or run the risk of being let down later. This is a fairly creative period for Scorpios. You could feel inspired and ready to invest your energy in a project that requires the people you are working with to be on the same page. Defining your shared values will be an ongoing process this month with Venus transiting in Gemini.

The May 7th Full Moon, taking place in your sign, brings to light your own needs and desires. Each Full Moon represents a polarizing opposition between the Sun and the Moon. With this Full Moon in your sign, the tension could be felt in your partnerships. Situations and relationships that were initiated on the New Moon in Scorpio from last October could be highlighted. Mars, currently in Aquarius, rules over this Full Moon, being the traditional ruler of Scorpio, and Mars is currently in the part of your chart associated with your home, your roots, and your family. This indicates an important focus that will take place at your core base of operations. You could feel alienated by a certain set of circumstances, and ready to break free. On a less dramatic note, this Full Moon might bring up issues surrounding impeding renovation or relocation. It is not an extremely disruptive Full Moon timing, but as you well know, your sign is not associated with superficiality. This lunation signals a time of honest assessment in regard to yourself and your desires, with an emphasis on your current home circumstances.

Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius late evening on May 10th, and Mercury enters Gemini on May 11th. These two planets trine each other on May 12th highlighting once again your home, and the people you are intimately involved with. Venus in Gemini stations retrograde late evening of May 12th, while Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, enters Pisces on the next day. With Jupiter in Capricorn stationing retrograde on May 14th, just in time for the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius, this mid-month timing constitutes a significant change of pace. There are now three planets moving retrograde in the span of four days. Situations will shift considerably and you might be prompt to retrace your steps before you can move forward. During the month’s second half, the transit of Mars in the sign of Pisces should give a boost to all your creative and romantic endeavors.

The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th, and for you Scorpios, Gemini season is an opportunity to take a closer look at your unconscious motivations. Venus, Mercury, the Sun and the North Node are all transiting in Gemini bringing to the surface repressed information. Initially, this unearthing process could feel painful, and destabilizing. In order to be honest with yourself and others, you must be willing to lose some of your pre-existing foundations. What is built on shaky ground is not meant to last. The truth can be difficult to bear and honesty often brings cathartic transformations; a process you are all too familiar with. Ultimately however, this period of excavation will bring valuable lessons that allow for better communication with unconscious parts of yourself and those of intimate partners.

The New Moon in Gemini takes place on May 22nd, signaling the beginning of a new cycle in connection with the above topics. Mercury in Gemini is conjoined with Venus retrograde at the time of the New Moon, in square with Neptune, creating the perfect conditions for honest, loving, and difficult conversations that go deep. During this entire Venus retrograde in Gemini, lasting into June, revisiting your past hurts and how these still influence your sense of safety and intimacy could become a major theme.


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