Scorpio Horoscope for August 2020

Scorpio Horoscope for August 2020

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Another transformational month awaits you, Scorpio, just like you knew it would. You of all the signs are familiar with the concept of continual change being as necessary a component of life and living as continual breathing! This month, for you, is emblematic of further metamorphosis in your worldview, an area of your life that has lately been the subject of much introspection. Your intuition is on overdrive recently as well, to beneficial effect, and partners play a role. The changes in your relationship dynamic contribute to your changing perceptions of the world around you, with new and perhaps startling revelations coming your way almost daily. As your beliefs shift so too do your actions, and your commitment. In the second half of the month, following the potent Leo New Moon of August 18th, you are called to new levels of service to the surrounding community. You are feeling the power of conceptualizing and articulating new values that are beginning to emerge in more concrete form, as you evolve.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

In the last few years you’ve been on an ongoing quest to broaden your perspective especially in your area of expertise. You spent many hours ruminating over ideas, beliefs, and the philosophical implications of your passions. Until recently all this information felt like disparate pieces of a puzzle without logical structures. Menial tasks kept your attention away from really diving into what you love, and unifying your ideas on a subject. You’ve been busy but it seems like most of your time has been spent on organizing your schedule. Unpleasant task has kept you away from dedicating as much time as you would like on your personal journey. The time you have spent plowing away on the logistical issues of your everyday life wasn’t in vain however. You have succeeded in matters of time management, and you are now reaping the rewards of your efforts. You’ve reached a plateau in terms of efficiency, which is allowing you more time for what you love. You are also realizing that you’ve reached a certain level of mastery in your domain, which is giving you the confidence to keep refining your skills.

The month of August begins on a busy note for Scorpios with many irons in the fire. The recent New Moon in Cancer has increased your focus on higher mind and evolving worldview; while Mars currently in Aries is cranking up the volume on your dedication to your life purpose, so that you have the energy to climb a mountain. You might want to take advantage of the current astro-weather to get active, with yet also taking care not to deplete your reserves. Mars will slow down and come to a halt at the first ten days of September, suggesting a definite change of pace. Remembering this, you can consider August as a great time to charge your batteries, and focus on your vitality by establishing good exercise routines, and healthy eating habits. Build your strength before the fall arrives, with physical exercise but also proper rest.

The Full Moon on August 3rd takes place in Aquarius in your home sector while also squaring Uranus in Taurus representing your house of partnerships. This particular Full Moon could agitate a situation at home, with a family member or at work. You also will likely feel the excitement and the variability of Uranus at play with connections to your close partners, with changes in circumstances or sudden adjustments rather than the exception, more the rule. You may need to apply compromise to keep everyone happy.

The Sun transiting in Leo is bringing an emphasis on your career goals while the Full Moon shines her light on your roots. You are feeling divided between your aspirations, your outer world commitments, and those where you call home. Perhaps an element of uncertainty already contained in a relationship is bringing up questions around where you want to go with it, or want to be in the world.

Mercury enters Leo on August 4th bringing even more emphasis on your career for the next few weeks. It is not the time to shy away from the spotlight. Take advantage of work opportunities being presented. On the 7th Venus finally leaves Gemini after four months and enters more philosophical Cancer. Venus being located in a fellow Water sign will support expansion and pleasure in the realms of travel and education.

On August 9th, Mercury in Leo trines Chiron in Aries and squares Uranus in Taurus, emphasizing, again, relationship surprises. You could also receive some good news in connection with your health. Nervous tension is also indicated because of unknown elements. The Last Quarter Moon lands in Taurus on the 11th, indicating that tensions require release in some areas, and you may need to make some last minute adjustments to your schedule to have everything work out smoothly. Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on the 12th and 13th, and brings a powerful catalyst. This square between your traditional ruler and your modern ruler indicates an inflection point in the current month. The tides are turning and calling your attention back to your body. You may have come to understand that the mind is a powerful servant but a terrible master.

Venus in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries on the 16th, and emphasizes beliefs and preconceived notions around healing and health. You must wield your mental energy on the proper trajectory, and believe in yourself.

Mercury unites with the Sun in Leo on the 17th for a superior conjunction, and the Leo New Moon takes place on the following day while the Sun is still in a trine with Mars and the new planet Eris, conjunct in Aries. Your innermost values are calling. This is a super charged and vitalizing aspect in the month that supports health, growth, and victory. The New Moon in Leo brings clarity and support for your career and professional goals and initiates a new cycle in that area of your life.

Mercury enters Virgo on the 19th and the Sun follows suit on the 22nd signalling the beginning of the next thirty days of the Virgo season. The Sun in Virgo will shine its light on your aspirations and on discovering the people who can support them. This will generally be a great time for networking and reaching out to organizations or people that can support your work.

Mars in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn for the last two weeks of the month, exact on the 24th. There may be some unforeseen logistical issues that appear in this ending timing that keeps you from progressing as fast as you would like. Delays and frustrations in the workplace are indicated, so that it is best to be patient, and accept what is, at least for the time being.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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