Scorpio Horoscope for July 2020

Scorpio Horoscope for July 2020

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This makes for another quite interesting and perhaps challenging month, Scorpio, with your attention taking a decided turn to the inside. Your worldview and associated beliefs are one major area of focus, in flux in a thoughtful way, with introspective mental activity directed toward that end. Your values in general are evolving with the changing tides of your interior situation. Although these internal vistas continue to fascinate you, all this emotional churning will have their consequences in terms of outer world concerns. Going to your depths comes naturally to you, and if in a relationship, or even if not, you might be used to counting on intimate others to keep you moored in the ordinary world that you can see, taste and touch. You might find, however, that these partners have lately their own inner and erratic explorations that they are equally caught up in. They are therefore less available, but nonetheless, you still find the partnership connection to be soothing, just in new and unexpected ways.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As the month begins, the Sun is still in Cancer, corresponding to your higher mind sector, and is just coming off of the powerhouse solar eclipse and New Moon from ten days before the July month began, indicating a potent new start in this important area. Mercury Retrograde also conjoined the Sun there on June 30th. This aspect is sometimes called a ‘’cazimi’’ and most often interpreted as a moment of clarity or illumination. This particular cazimi occurred while in a sextile with revolutionary planet Uranus offering a serious boost to intellectual projects. Stimulating ideas and a renewed excitement are present in your long-term projects and for your evolving worldview. You therefore start the month of July riding this inspirational wave of insight that is specifically filtering through your conversations with others. You could feel your perspective widening thanks to the ingenious outlooks of a partner or a friend.

Saturn retrograde re-enters Capricorn on July 1st for one more sojourn there, before officially entering Aquarius until mid-December. Saturn in Capricorn in recent years has carried lessons of time management for you Scorpios, bringing awareness of the ways in which you spend your time, how you communicate with others, and how much energy you spend on social media. You’ve possibly thought a lot over the past two years about your level of productivity, versus the time-wasting habits that keep you busy but that do not yield tangible results.

The lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 4th triggers all of these themes and you could find yourself wondering if you have learned your lessons. There is also a connection to surprising ideas that emanate from partners and that help you to recognize shifts in perspective and in your fundamental beliefs. As your schedule fills in at the beginning of the month, you may also need to apply all that you have learned regarding proper time management, boundaries, and your ability to say no.

On July 8th, Mercury Retrograde in Cancer squares Mars in Aries. This aspect could bring added emphasis to the red planet in its home sign of Aries, by raising the temperature of your interactions. Mars is the traditional ruler of your sign, and its transit in the sign of Aries will be significant for you, especially when it comes to health and workplace concerns, and regarding the way that might sometimes wind up pushing yourself to the limit. Mars stays in Aries quite a long time, due to his upcoming fall retrograde, until January 2021, and brings his energy to your sixth house of health and day-to-day activities. It might be time to pay attention to your health, and get serious about establishing good habits, dealing with the stressors, and getting rid of accumulated tension in your body.

On July 11th, Chiron stations retrograde in Aries while the Moon and Mars conjoin with Chiron. This is all leading up to the Last Quarter Moon on July 12th. Chiron turning retrograde in Aries is your cue to pay attention to what your body is telling you. It would be a good time to explore various healing modalities, bodyworks methods, and address lingering physical symptoms. Mercury stations direct in Cancer on the 12th while still in a close square with Mars could bring an important piece of information in the days following it’s stationing direct.

The New Moon takes place in the sign of Cancer on July 20th in an exact opposition with Saturn in Capricorn. This lunation is asking you to put your philosophical ideas into practice. All the wisdom you have acquired through the years is of no use if you do not find tangible ways to apply it. This New Moon in Cancer is your invitation to become practical about your knowledge by creating tangible structures or formats for what you know. It’s time to get serious about your skills whether you are thinking of teaching or of taking them to the next level.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd ushering the Leo season and the middle of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Leo will shine his powerful rays in your career sector over the next thirty days.

The First Quarter Moon on July 27th takes place in your home sign of Scorpio while the Sun is in Leo. You might need to reconcile a tension between your personal needs and your career goals. This is a busy time. You need to favor a clear headspace, and to establish healthy patterns in order to deal with your workload. You can definitely get it all done, however you need to have a clear strategy in place, and manage your time wisely. Mercury in Cancer squares Mars in Aries again to close the month, showing tension between your long-term goals and immediate logistical issues. One of the most important things to remember while Mars is in transit in Aries is the need to find equal balance between work and rest. You could have the tendency to keep pushing, which could lead to strain and fatigue later. You must deal with tension as it arises, and make sure to schedule some down time.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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