Scorpio Horoscope for November 2020

Scorpio Horoscope for November 2020

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of great personal transformation, Scorpio, an area to which you are no stranger. You are being summoned to more thoroughly explore your own interior spaces as a road to greater integration and wellness. You are learning and growing steadily, and also suddenly, by fits and starts. If you can gladly and willingly take this turn to the inside, you will greatly benefit and come into a fuller sense of your own being; and if you are not able to go gladly, take the turn anyway; you will come to recognize that you really have no choice. The Mars station, mid-month, gives you the impetus to make more complete the changes that you had been contemplating. Partnership is a huge factor for you right now, and connects you to your evolving future self. Early in the month, intuitional information comes pouring into your consciousness through the agency of others, and tells you true, although you might have to sort through potential deceptions to find the nugget of what is real.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Since the New Moon in Libra in October, you’ve spent a lot of time deconstructing yourself, and your patterns. New information came to light that has helped you make sense of why you do things a certain way. Understanding your patterns is something that you do all the time but recently you’ve been hyper aware of the reflexes that undermine your well-being, and more extensively damages your relationships. The link between your mind and your health has been a big topic since Mars first entered Aries at the beginning of July, and you could be in the process of integrating healthier habits into your routine. Change is not easy however as life challenges us to stick to our resolve by throwing us off course. This is a familiar dynamic for you. Through the years, you’ve learned to renew yourself through adversity. There are no special secrets when it comes to letting go of things that undermine your well being. You just have to commit yourself to the process, and start over again each day. 

November begins after a rut-breaking Full Moon in Taurus in your house of partnerships. Others usually play a stabilizing role in your life but this Full Moon highlighted the destabilizing factors playing out in your relationships at the moment. With Chiron and Mars transiting in Aries, you’ve been busy rebuilding yourself in healthier ways, and it may be that you are in need of different people in your life, people who align with the person you are becoming.

Venus in Libra opposing Chiron in Aries on November 1st continues to highlight the important healing process you are undergoing. Your self-worth is linked to the ability you have of taking care of yourself, and this is a defining moment. Mercury stations direct in Libra on the 3rd after a three-week retrograde period which brought up the importance of prioritizing your well-being no matter what others may be asking of you.

Venus in Libra opposes Mars retrograde in Aries could bring a lot of energy that is hard to contain around the second week of November. Try to channel any excess tension into your work. Each action counts in moving ahead of your game. It may be easy to scatter yourself on trivial matters if you don’t keep your goal in mind.

Mercury re-entering Scorpio on November 10th helps clear out recurring doubts about your current trajectory. You will start to feel more self-directed and by the time Mars stations direct in Aries on November 13th you could regain your sense of independence and agency to affect change in your world.

The New Moon occurring in your sign mid-month is a powerful reset for you as a Scorpio. Mars is newly direct in Aries, and Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn brings a lot of power behind your intentions. The soil is freshly tilled, and your transformation is nearly complete. Your desire for renewal could finally start to take hold, especially if you have been applying yourself diligently to bring about the changes you need. 

There are still volatile or unknown factors to contend with especially in relation to some of your important partnerships that could make you feel uneasy. Remember that change sometimes comes at the cost of comfort. Mercury in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus brings up a situation that was already at play at the beginning of October but now that Mercury is moving direct it may be impossible to ignore. The decisions you make at this time could have a bigger impact than you initially anticipated.

Venus enters Scorpio on the 21st, followed by the Sun entering Sagittarius on the same day. This is a good change of focus for you that should help get your priorities in order. Finances could be on your mind during the next month, and it could be a good idea to plan your budget carefully before launching yourself blindly into the unknown.

The first of two eclipses takes place in the early morning hours of November 30th. This Full Moon is extra-powerful, because also an eclipse, lasting for six-months or more, into 2021. This Lunar Eclipse in Gemini occurs in the sector of your chart that deals with intimate partnerships, and as well the contracts that bind you to others. The benefits and support you receive from important allies cannot be underestimated at this time. You may be tempted to do it all on your own before asking for help but this may be a time when asking for support works to your advantage. You may be confronted with the fact that a lot of the resources available to you are dependent on the intimate bonds you cultivate with others. Mercury, which rules over this eclipse, is in Scorpio at this end-of-month timing, and sextile with Saturn in Capricorn; a carefully laid plan will get you where you want to go.  

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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