Scorpio Horoscope for December 2020

Scorpio Horoscope for December 2020

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of personal metamorphosis for you, Scorpio, in this climactic year of change. You continue a lunar cycle of celebrating yourself and your current state of evolutionary development, punctuated by the emphasis on intimate relationships represented by the Full Moon eclipse of November 30th. You have been mulling over concepts of service to the surrounding community, to important partners, and ultimately to yourself and your own process of growth. The coming Winter Solstice represents a cementing of these ties into a rising crescendo of meaning. The shift is evident, when you examine what is truly going on for you, in the direction of coming at life strictly from your true foundations. The other potent moment of this eclipse season takes place on December 14th, in your sector of resources and values, a Solar Eclipse and New Moon of lasting influence. This puts emphasis on transcending purely materialistic concerns as you evolve, recognizing principles of inner truth and natural law embedded deep within you.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 30th, just before the current month began, could have a bearing on your relationships, and also on inner matters. it also might have stirred up some fears and anxieties for you. You’ve become increasingly aware in the recent months of the need to purge your psychological space to make room for more a positive or at least less cynical mindset that help you create your world in your own way, one that you want to live in. Your ability to see through people’s tactical maneuvering perhaps implies you have a lot less patience for superficiality in your interactions. If a somewhat negative attitude has recently been crippling you, then the recent Scorpio New Moon from mid-November might have brought a powerful incentive to do the psychological and emotional work required for you to feel more grounded. You might even have been wondering If there was only a way to cleanse your mental palette to make room for a nice healthy perspective of the world, that supports growth and connectivity. Well this could actually be possible, especially if you resolve to just show up and keep showing up, in order to deal with what is coming up in your life at the moment.

On December 1st, Mercury enters the sign of Sagittarius where the Sun is already transiting. Sagittarius season highlights your income, your values, and your sense of self-worth. Your financial situation may seem to be closely linked to your partnerships at this time. You could be benefiting from a certain level of comfort thanks to the assets or support of someone else in your life. This could also refer to an agreement that you have within a business, or with a sincere friendship as well as an intimate partner. Collaborations have been a big theme this year, and this may not always feel easy. There is a constant need to negotiate the terms of your agreements, all through, and this month is no exception. You might feel like running away and joining the circus! Of course this is likely off the table and you are forced to find the middle ground.

Venus is still gracing your sign which helps with negotiation and diplomacy while also imbuing you with a certain magnetism. Venus trine Neptune in Pisces on the 5th and 6th may magnify your charms while augmenting your more compassionate side. The second week of December is a fantastic time to immerse yourself in creative or mystical modalities. Your imagination may be at an all-time high so finding the proper modes of expressions for your imagination may be necessary. The Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on the 9th so that the mystical continues to color the world with a romantic glow. You may however have to guard yourself from excessive idealism, or spending, or perhaps seeking pleasure at all cost. It could be more difficult to find discipline. Be mindful that your need to escape the dull, and the monotonous, could also have you trapped into squandering your resources. You may want to hold off on any major financial moves until the Winter Solstice; this is when you might get new information that changes the whole picture. 

The total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th is trine with Eris in Aries, also Mars; you may feel a strong sense of mission, for doing what you feel you need to do in support of your bottom-line values. You might need a good strategy and organization around your finances and the way you manage your money so that you can branch out a little with where you put your energy, day to day. You might see opportunities, but without proper planning this may simply remain in the realm of possibility. What you own, your resources, and what is available to you coming from others continues to be a big theme with the timing of this eclipse.

Venus enters Sagittarius on the 15th where she will augment these themes around money and self-worth. It's a good time to assess spending, what goes in and out, and see if you can create a better financial flow for yourself.

Saturn officially enters the sign of Aquarius late on the 16th after having been in Capricorn since the end of 2017. Saturn will be transiting in Aquarius until March 2023, and this may bring considerable change. Jupiter follows suit, entering Aquarius on the 19th where it will be until December 2021. This leads up to their conjunction two days later on the same day as the Winter Solstice.

Mercury in Sagittarius conjoins the Sun in Sagittarius later that day bringing greater clarity around financial decisions.

The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st which signals the Winter Solstice, the beginning of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. Later that day, the much anticipated conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius perfects which will be clearly visible in the night sky. This conjunction happens every twenty years and with this 2020 occurrence inaugurates a 200-year period when the Air element will become the focus of future Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions. It takes place in the part of your chart which relates to family, home, and your roots, and these themes may come to the forefront in the year ahead.

The Full Moon on the 29th takes place in the sign of Cancer illuminating your vision sector. You feel that it the time to take a good look back at the journey you’ve been on this past year, and how much you have evolved in terms of your overall philosophies or spiritual inclinations. As the year comes to a close, take time to acknowledge your intuitive powers, and how well these have served you in these uncertain times.

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