Scorpio Horoscope for January 2021

Scorpio Horoscope for January 2021

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of change and revelation for you, Scorpio, similar to the past few, yet different in tone, and not only due to the ebullient feeling of a new year just beginning. The astrology reveals strong activity on your home front, ever since the closing weeks of the previous year. You could be dealing with issues of your family of origin, or that of your current dwelling. This confluence of outer planet archetypes may also be bringing you to yourself in new ways. You might be called to a form of quiet internal contemplation or discover a joyful sense of newfound responsibility to nothing but your own acquisition of self-knowledge. In the second weekend of the month, partners become more of a focus also, helping to convey new perspectives and further information. Your intuition is powerful now, and messages come to you from many sources, provided you keep yourself open to them, including your important relationships. The New Moon of January 12th is powerfully transformative for you especially in terms of relationship issues and how you put out and receive communication. Only the most profound truth will actually appeal.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Happy New Year, dear Scorpio! The major shifts that occurred in December continue to reverberate at the beginning of the year. Saturn and Jupiter are now officially transiting in Aquarius, emphasizing your domestic situation and more extensively turning your attention towards family matters. You could be craving greater security, or autonomy, in connection with your living arrangements. Saturn in Aquarius, active since the recent winter solstice of December 21st, may be highlighting major issues surrounding your home, including your family. You could be feeling restricted in terms of what is possible or find that considerable effort and planning will be required in the next few years to restructure that part of your life. 

The recent Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, from mid-December, brought attention to your financial situation which may be closely connected to your values and what other people can offer you. With Venus in Sagittarius still very close to the South Node of the Moon at the beginning of the year, you may be forced to assess any drain on your finances and adjust accordingly. It’s a good time to make a budget for yourself and be aware of unnecessary spending. You may have an opportunity to earn money through a creative project especially with the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn transiting in your communication sector in the first half of the month.

On the 6th of January Mars finally leaves the sign of Aries and enters the sign of Taurus, corresponding to your partnership sector. This is a significant ingress for Scorpios since Mars traditionally rules your sign. Mars will be in Taurus for two months carrying a lot of energy for your relationships in general, including business partnerships. You may be more aware of inherent differences between you and others. You could be forced to work cooperatively and make compromises in order to get what you want. Then, on the 8th, Mercury enters Aquarius and squares Mars in Taurus. This aspect could bring some heated arguments or debates for a few days especially, at home. Stay mindful of frustration or tension building up, and find ways to channel this energy into creative or physical outlets. Also on the 8th, Venus enters your communication sector in Capricorn, and trines Mars, which may be your redeeming factor. Venus in Capricorn for the rest of the month could stimulate conversations and offer insights into your communication patterns which in turn could help you mediate conflicting scenarios.

The first New Moon of the year occurs in Capricorn on the night of the 12th. This New Moon could bring along with it a powerful renewal, as it conjoins Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio. Your communication with others is greatly emphasized. Pluto is as well a planet associated with death, regeneration, power and compulsion. The more important factor could be the unearthing of your own darkness which ultimately leads to a fuller integration of your unconscious patterns. Mars in Taurus squaring Saturn in Aquarius at the time of this New Moon also shows that this powerful energy rebirth could also be met with significant restrictions. Patience will be required to move through any limitations you are experiencing towards the accomplishments of your goals.

Uranus stations direct in your partnership sector in Taurus on the 14th after a six-month retrograde period. Uranus has been in Taurus for the last two years shaking up the way you think about relationships. There could be radical changes occurring in that part of your life that stem from a need to have greater freedom. The first two weeks of January may have brought a lot of negotiation with others, and this mid-month timing could represent a breaking point or a change of pace. The second half of January could bring volatility to this area, especially with Mars conjoining Uranus in Taurus on the 20th, a day after the Sun’s entry into Aquarius, also indicating a shift in your energy. A situation that feels limiting could be rapidly evolving.

The First Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 20th emphasizes recent tensions that have been building up. Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus there indicates surprises and unexpected events that bring new realizations. The Sun in Aquarius joins Saturn and Jupiter over the following week, emphasizing family matters. On the 22nd and the 23rd the Sun in Aquarius conjoins Saturn, which could highlight the current limitations you are facing. Then, the Sun squaring Uranus in Taurus a few days later on the 26th may bring innovative ways to work through these perceived limitations. The Sun also helpfully conjuncts Jupiter on the 28th, in the time of the Full Moon.

The Full Moon on the 28th occurs in the bold and fiery sign of Leo, augmented by the Sun’s conjunction with Jupiter, in Aquarius, opposing the Moon, while Mars (with Uranus) squares the Full Moon from Taurus. This potent Fixed sign T-square highlights any current tensions circulating between your home, your career and your partnerships. A T-square is made up of at least three points, two in opposition with one another and a third point squaring both of these, and indicates an increase of tension and a focus on the third position. In fixed signs, this T-square displays a high degree of strength, endurance and a strong will to move forward with your relationship connections as a means to resolve the other issues. This Full Moon culminating in Leo in your vocational sector may therefore indicate a time when your efforts towards the pursuits of your ambitions are starting to bear fruit. It could be difficult to reconcile your vision with what is currently available to you, but the end of January brings hope. It might be that you will find success by synthesizing all three factors of work, inner contemplation, and your partnership connections.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius on January 30th and will be moving backward through this sign until February 20th. Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius continues to highlight the current logistical issues surrounding your home base, and family matters, as you enter into an introspective process surround these areas. This three-week period will help you assess the solidity of your foundations.

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