Scorpio Horoscope for March 2021

Scorpio Horoscope for March 2021

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

As March begins for you, Scorpio, you are already recognizing that this has been a time of introspection, and of concentrating your energies in your home or private sphere. You are as well delving down into your psychological roots, eventually leading you to more deliberate alignment to inner purpose There is also a great deal of emphasis these days on your relationship connections with important partners of all kinds. This is month of contrasts for you, with the push-pull of Saturn and Uranus in close square impacting your chart along angular sectors. The question becomes whether to take a chance on novel approaches, perhaps as articulated by persons significant to you, versus staying your original course without variation, as you also perhaps feel an instinctive urge toward doing. Time will tell, together with a reliance on inner guidance. With the mid-month Pisces New Moon your creativity and self-identity is highlighted and you are closer to casting your lot with what makes spiritual rather than any other kind of sense for you, as you move forward.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the recent Virgo Full Moon in your sector of societal connection and future planning, with the Sun occupying the opposing sign of Pisces, corresponding to your sector of artistic self-expression. You are still feeling the juice of your creativity, perhaps as limited by whatever potential obstacles you might also be encountering, and as encouraged as well by partnership connections that may be pushing you out there in ways that you are really not sure that you are ready for. Saturn in your home and family sector in square alignment to Uranus in your opposite sign of Taurus, or your relationship sector, are also factors that are still influencing you for at least the first two weeks of March.

Then, too, on the evening of the 3rd, your traditional ruler, Mars, enters Gemini, where it will stay for this month and most of next. Mars in Gemini will likely for you bring topics of intimacy to the forefront. There could be a change in the cards in terms of how you relate to others and how much you are willing to compromise. You may have to face some truth about yourself that you would rather ignore and it's a good time to come clean about your desires even if it hurts.

From March 3rd to the 5th Mercury joins Jupiter in Aquarius for the third time since mid-January. This conjunction occurring in your home sector could highlight an ongoing revision process currently taking place in connection with your home, your family, or where you want to be in the world. There may be a new picture emerging related to where you envision yourself to be and what you call home. You may have an increasing desire to reconnect with your roots, your ancestry, or in contemplating the meaning and impact of your past upon your current circumstances.

The Sun currently transiting in Pisces brings a supportive trine to members of your sign, which implies that you might be feeling inspired, finding greater ease or pleasure in creative pursuits. You may find that it is getting easier to express yourself while your interactions with others should feel relatively smooth. The Sun conjunct Neptune there, on the 10th, is a significant marker which brings a mix of both positive and negative influences. The Sun joining Neptune might color the few days surrounding this aspect with a romantic or dreamy haze, perhaps making it harder to focus. This is a terrific aspect for your poetic imagination. Neptune tends to increase sensitivity and empathy while dissolving boundaries and the harsh contours of reality. While this is great for any creative works that require a spiritual or a visionary approach, it may feel harder to find the discipline to get your work done.

The Pisces New Moon comes along on the 13th and is joined by Venus and Neptune, making for an extremely auspicious time with regard to intentions set around artistic and creative endeavors. Neptune is often said to be the higher octave of Venus, so when these two come together it can indicate an inspired time when your relationship imagination is in full bloom. There may be a fresh start available in connection with a project or a new romantic scenario and you may feel the need to let loose and have more fun, especially when it comes to the way you express yourself. Mercury leaves the sign of Aquarius on the 15th to enter Pisces which can also emphasize romance, pleasure, and self-expression during this third week of March.

The Sun enters the sign of Aries on the 20th signaling the Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Venus is not far behind and ingresses into Aries the next day, on the 21st. This brings a definitive change of pace. The Sun moving on from the transcending, dreamy, and passive waters of Pisces into the more yang and action-oriented fires of Aries will shake you up to some extent, with perhaps an increased desire to get proactive in terms of your health.

The First Quarter Moon in Cancer on the same day, of the 21st, is an energizing one especially for any of your projects that require organization and long-term planning. The trine between Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius could bring support for home projects and financial planning while the sextile between Mercury in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus could help with creativity and innovation.

These last ten days of the month, when Venus dances with the Sun in Aries, fusing the egoic solar principle with the relationship-oriented Venus archetype could be fun-filled and romantic, or possibly wind up creating some tension between your need for independence versus the obligations and responsibilities of being in relationship connection with others. Mars joins the North Node in Gemini from the 25th to the 27th which could exaggerate your ambitious and action-driven qualities and yet you may feel like you can’t act entirely on your own accord.

On March 28th, the Full Moon in Libra shines her light on the sector of your chart that deals with unconscious process, including patterns surrounding commitments and partnership. You may have opportunities to come to grips with relationship dynamics that could be undermining your well-being. The Sun in Aries closely conjuncts Chiron and Venus at the time of this Full Moon, and this augurs a powerful incentive for healing to occur, especially related to any fears of commitment that you might possess, or co-dependency issues.

There may be buried within your psyche a pattern related to giving and taking that leaves you feeling depleted or vulnerable, and this could actually be up for greater conscious attention, and healing, in this end of the month time. You might also recognize that you do not need to sacrifice your well-being to help others, if it is the case that you’ve been avoiding dealing with your own wounds by focusing your attention on other people’s. You have a powerful incentive now to get to the bottom of your relationship patterns. This may be a golden opportunity to integrate difficult albeit powerful lessons related to fears and anxiety surrounding partnership and intimacy.

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