Scorpio Horoscope for April 2021

Scorpio Horoscope for April 2021

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an exciting month for you, Scorpio, when you are integrating the transformational content of recent months. Intimations of inner wounding along with a sense of life purpose could come up for you from the timing of the last weekend of March; if so the opportunity here would be to apply calm acceptance to the dark places within you, with the goal of healing these issues. The New Moon of April 11th, features an Aries lineup in your sixth solar sector of service and day-to-day activities. You are operating from a highly idealized place right now, and are invited to make a sacred ritual of ordinary activity, and to take seriously what you are actually attempting to accomplish in this lifetime. Those values that you most deeply espouse must eventually rise to the top, while all else gets discarded. As you begin to embrace your true authenticity, you could become laser focused of what you, and you alone, bring to the table; and as you proceed to act upon these deeply felt principles, you foster your future evolutionary progress.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Pisces from mid-March kicked off the beginning of a fresh cycle in connection with your self-expression, what you do for pleasure, romantic longings, and more extensively your creative projects. This energy still colors your attitudes and expectations as April begins. You may be more in tune with your desires right now which could be both scary and insightful. Mars currently transiting in Gemini can bring up all sorts of realization surrounding your partnerships, intimacy, and the compromises you make in order to keep the peace. There may be some frustrations surrounding an intimate or a business partnership with no easy solutions in sight. There is a lot of work happening behind the scenes right now and you might be less inclined to share what’s on your mind. Your physical well-being could also be present for you. It is also a good time to assess your habits while the Sun and Venus transit in Aries

Mercury enters Aries on the late evening of April 3rd, where it will be in mutual reception with Mars in Gemini until the 19th of April. A mutual reception in Astrology is when two planets are transiting in each other's signs which strengthen them and offer assistance to one another. These two planets may highlight your need to do a thorough inner and outer spring cleaning. It may be an opportunity to attend to the needs of your body in order to stay on top of your game. You may have more energy than usual but it may also need to be channeled positively at the risk of feeling frustrated or pent up.

You could be more susceptible to toxins or experience food sensitivities this month. Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries on the 8th and 9th could bring a flare up or help you pinpoint what may be affecting your physical or emotional well-being. Mercury conjunct Chiron may also be a good opportunity to address any lingering issues associated with stress or to explore various healing modalities to find greater vitality.

The New Moon in Aries on the 11th carries a potent reset in terms of your well-being. You may be feeling ready to set better habits that support your physical and emotional health. Jupiter in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini are both sextile to the New Moon in Aries which may bring loads of optimism for new projects at home, and this could be the perfect time to organize your living space to make it more functional. You could be feeling optimistic about the future and your overall direction. It could be an opportunity to deal with unfinished chores and delineate a practical action-plan to help you reach some of your bigger goals.

Venus enters the sign of Taurus on the 14th, emphasizing your partnerships. Venus remains there until the second week of May. Your attention will gradually shift to the delicate balance that must be maintained with others in order to keep the peace, especially in the later part of the month.

The third weekend of the month has a host of supportive aspects that could help you get a lot accomplished. Mercury meets the Sun in Aries on the 18th for its ‘’superior conjunction’’ which is often thought of as a rebirth moment for the star of Hermes ( Mercury). Mars in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius on the 16th and 17th could bring good news, especially in connection with real estate or shared resources. Mercury’s purifying process takes place in the sector of your chart that relates to your health and your habits, only a week after the potent New Moon there. This rejuvenating influence continues to highlight your vitality and the habits you can implement to stay on top of your game. The intentions you set this month could have a lasting influence when it comes to your overall well-being.

Mercury followed by the Sun both enter the sign of Taurus on the 19th which could bring a more dynamic energy to your partnerships over the next thirty days. Taurus is the sign directly across from Scorpio on the zodiac, symbolizing the importance of the Other in your life. Taurus season brings up a certain amount of tension to reckon with, especially when it comes to your interactions with others. You could find that the balance between give and take with partners oscillates more widely this month, thanks to Uranus in Taurus bringing its unpredictable energy into the mix. Your relationships may feel in flux, and the people in your life may seem more unpredictable than usual.

Mars leaves the sign of Gemini and enters the sign of Cancer on the 23rd, emphasizing learning and travel. He will be there until June 11th. The red planet transiting in Cancer carries a supportive trine to your sign. This is a welcome change for you as a Scorpio, and you could feel a wind of fresh possibility opening up for you.

The Full Moon in your sign culminates on the late evening of the 26th illuminating your desires and emotional needs. You may be feeling less compromising on the days surrounding this Full Moon as the emphasis is on what you need. You might have to strike a balance between what others are demanding from you and what you can realistically offer them. You may have your eyes set on some big goals which could make you less likely to give in to the demands of others. Venus and Mercury conjunct in Taurus at this time might also symbolize increased negotiations for you at the end of the month. You might not be able to completely get your way, but you can certainly still try.

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