Scorpio Horoscope for May 2021

Scorpio Horoscope for May 2021

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another quite interesting and eventful month for you, Scorpio, beginning with a huge focus on partnership in your life, and its effect on your own evolutionary development. Your worldview is shifting, plus a rather intense learning curve surrounding your most deeply felt principles. An attitude of service is very alive for you now along with the impetus for action, although the direction of your future focus remains unclear. There is an internal tug of war going on between cautious progress that does not rock the boat versus swinging for the fences, perhaps as encouraged by partners. Startling and even weird events taking place in connection with important others in your life both challenge and stimulate you. You might be able to find enlightenment, as Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter puts it, “in the strangest of places.” Relationships are a significant focus for you as the month begins, and also as it ends, when you will be questioning various aspects of current entanglements, feeling concerned about extremes, and attempting to reach for the balance point.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Aries of mid-April is still resonating within you during the beginning of the month, having prompted you to reassess your habits and your day-to-day activities including concepts of service to others. It might in fact be time for you start implementing concepts there that are better integrated with your deepest principles. This is something easier said than done of course, but as the month of May begins you should have a clearer idea of how and where to focus your energies. Simplifying the existing structures in your life can help you gain traction in the weeks ahead and Mars currently transiting in Cancer in your vision sector is lending its support. It may be easier to survey the land on which you stand in the first half of the month. What is important to you could also be more obvious while Mars is in Cancer and securing a solid foundation could be at the top of your list. It may be good to attend to whatever feels flimsy or shaky before the Eclipse Season and Mercury Retrograde begins in late May. Clarifying your allegiance and streamlining your collaborations could save you the headache down the road. Simplify what is expected from you means you will have more room to play and improvise if necessary. If you feel locked in or burdened by your agreements, contracts, or relationships, it may be a good time to evaluate if they are truly worth the efforts.

The Saturn/Uranus square which is coloring most of 2021 is bringing tension to the foundational aspects of your life. Trying to reconcile your need for safety with your desire for freedom could feel impossible. Any relationship that doesn’t allow you the room to grow could feel stifling but it could also be difficult to change the dynamics within them. The Sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius on May 3rd which highlights this ongoing tension and forces you to compromise. Mercury enters Gemini on the same day where it will turn retrograde at the end of the month zooming in on the resources that are available to you through important partnerships. Mercury transiting in Gemini for the next two months may also help you clarify where you are overthinking something or where fear and anxiety are threatening to overtake your common sense. The solution to your dilemmas may not lie in re-inventing your whole existence. You may have to simply learn to reconcile some of the polarity you are experiencing by allowing for both of them to co-exist. Staying flexible and keeping an open mind could help you navigate the tension.

Venus enters Gemini on the 8th. Venus was transiting here last May where she also spent a month moving retrograde. Think back to what was occurring in your life around this time last year especially relating to Venusian matters like money and relationships. You may have to revisit some of these themes again in the following weeks and perhaps finally be able to close the loop.

On May 11th, the Taurus New Moon occurs in your opposite sign, or your relationship sector, the sign which for you signals the beginning of a new cycle in connection with your important partnerships. A tinge of idealism may color this lunation with Neptune in Pisces positively aspecting the New Moon and coloring it with a romantic glow. New growth is starting to emerge at this time especially in connection with your partnerships or your desires surrounding them. Things may still feel somewhat elusive but what your heart desire at this time is making itself known.

On May 13th, Jupiter, the planet of luck and bounty, enters the sign of Pisces where it will be for the next 10 weeks before dropping back into Aquarius, before finally re-entering Pisces at the end of 2021. This is excellent news as Jupiter will be able to express himself more fully in his nocturnal home of Pisces. Jupiter is often associated with the ability to have a broader perspective which should also help in opening the world back up. The last few years saw Jupiter transiting in Saturn ruled signs which brought restrictions. Jupiter in Pisces will be bringing its fortunate influence to your creative sector which may bring new opportunities or inspiration for your current projects.

On May 20th, the Sun enters the sign of Gemini signaling the beginning of the Mutable season. Mutable signs like Gemini are often associated with change and flexibility and you can expect the next few weeks to be transitional. Things could continue to shift in the next three weeks and it is best to stay adaptable.

On Wednesday, May 26th the first lunar eclipse of the year arrives in the sign of Sagittarius which takes place in your financial sector. This Full Moon which is being eclipsed may indicate that things related to your finances are at the forefront of your awareness while also in a state of flux or not totally visible. With so many planets currently transiting in Gemini, the emphasis is on your shared resources and the support you gain from your alliances. You may be craving more financial autonomy but the sacrifice required at this time may not be worth it.

Mercury in Gemini turns retrograde on the 29th while in a square with Neptune in Pisces. Confusion or the inability to differentiate between facts and fiction comes up strongly at the end of the month. Opportunities could appear out of the blue and disappear just as fast. The next few weeks may require you to sort out your priorities but there could also be factors outside of your control. You might want to sit tight until July, when Mercury final escapes its retrograde shadow. Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly over this time period; instead use the next few weeks to simplify, budget, and organize your life as opposed to making any big decisions. You should have a better idea of what you want by the time the first full week of July arrives.

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