Taurus Horoscope for August 2017

Taurus Horoscope for August 2017

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a big month for you, Taurus, especially with the eclipses of August taking place in angular houses in your chart. These are associated with career and home life, and you will find that issues with either the separation of public and private concerns, or their potential merger, will occupy your thoughts for the next six months or more, beginning with the Full Moon and lunar eclipse of August 7th and continuing through the retrograde of Mercury on the 12th which introduces an introspective element to your musings. Your values are shifting, along with your commitment to find higher purpose in everything that you do, including your public works, thereby taking what emerges from the intuitional layers of your inner world into full account as you make career choices. You are not only looking for the deeper meaning of what goes on in your life but also seeking to apply that to your plans and goals to create a better alignment between inner and outer concerns.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

Whenever eclipses take place in the fixed signs of the zodiac it’s a big deal because traditionally fixed (or what were once called ‘solid’) signs refer to events, energies, karmas, or patterns that are more established, less likely to change, or more likely to endure. So, because eclipses are powerful signs of change and transformation, they are especially potent when they take place in the fixed signs. They can create new and very long-lasting effects, or they can disturb, disrupt, or transform things that have been around for a very long time. Why this big introduction' Because for those of you born while the Sun was traveling through the sign of the Bull, eclipses in fixed signs will always land in the most powerful “cardinal” houses of your solar chart. They will land in one of the four major areas of life: you and your health (first house), your career and reputation (tenth house), your relationships (seventh house) or your home and family (fourth house). Fixed eclipses mean BIG changes for those born under fixed signs, and Taurus is one of the four fixed signs.

The two eclipses taking place this August are taking place in the signs of Leo and Aquarius, which is your fourth house and tenth house, respectively. Thus, the topics for the month are home, family, property, land, and parents, as well as career, work, authority figures, and public reputation. The first eclipse is a lunar eclipse (lunar eclipses are always Full Moons) on August 7th in your tenth house of career. Lunar eclipses are like very powerful versions of Full Moons, and they bring with them culmination and/or closure. You may therefore find that August includes some very deep experiences of closure or culmination in relationship to your work place, job, authorities in the work place or professional reputation or direction generally.

The next eclipse is a solar eclipse, already being called “The Great American Eclipse,” by the media, and it also falls into Leo in your fourth house. This eclipse takes place August 21st. In contrast to lunar eclipses, solar eclipses (which always fall on New Moons) bring new beginnings and often along with them a brand-new sense of calling or purpose in life. So, while some things may be ending or culminating after the lunar eclipse, other things will be getting started. For example, in addition to work related events this month, you could see the sale of a home, the crossing over of a family member, the end of an era or legacy or lineage in your family, the kids leaving home for college, or the moving of an elderly relative into a nursing home. Or you may move into a new home, see the birth of a child, do some renovating or remodeling of your property, or begin a new domestic lifestyle pattern in place of one that is old or worn out.

Whatever takes place this month, it’s a time of endings and beginnings for you, and all will be happening in both the career area as well as very roots of your chart, establishing things that will last for a long time or perhaps bringing an end to something that has been around for a long time. Children of the Bull aren’t always crazy about big changes, but when eclipses come through it’s because it’s time for change, so try to be as open as you can and trust that these changes are for the best. Good luck, Taurus!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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