Taurus Horoscope for July 2017

Taurus Horoscope for July 2017

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are coming into yourself in a new way, Taurus. A spiritual sense of mission drives you from almost unconscious levels, as you make attempt to reconcile these stirrings with your more natural tendencies. This includes acknowledging the importance of career achievement, and the practicalities of making a living, and yet also that something uniquely your own calls you from within. You seek new grounding for your idealistic visions, and a new basis for emotional security. As you try to sort all this out, communication with peers and with intimate partners is vital to you now. This is also an excellent month for you to journal regarding your ideas for finding your way into a more livable future. Your worldview is evolving and your plans along with it, so that new perspectives are helpful, as you accommodate to a grander vision of your possibilities, and of where your life is taking you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins for you after a nice and long period of Venus, your ruler, being in your first house, therefore in her own rulership. Venus in the first house, in her own sign, is like that feeling you get after being at the beach all day under an umbrella, with your toes in the sand and a cool drink by your side. You feel light and airy and Sun-kissed. Savor it while it lasts, because Venus won’t be back into your first house until May of 2018! Venus’ next move will be into your second house of money, resources, and self-esteem, on July 5th. For the remainder of the month Venus in the second will bring financial benefits, networking opportunities, and possibly even lucrative creative or artistic projects. You may also be feeling good about your potential, your skills and abilities, and your ingenuity in general.

As the month goes on, Venus in your second house will gradually work her way into an opposition with Saturn in the eighth house, and so it’s also possible that this month may involve a bit of push and pull between your financial needs, concerns, successes, and creative projects, and those of a partner or spouse. As the eighth house represents shared resources and money, or our partners’ resources, the Venus/Saturn opposition may reflect some level of ongoing tension between your good fortune, or your finances this month and a partner’s financial situation. The opposition could just as easily reflect coming to terms on a financial investment or agreement, or it could also refer to an opportunity to pay down some debt. Just remember, when Venus and Saturn come into opposition regarding money we have to be careful not to be too indulgent OR too conservative. Any investment worthwhile requires a little risk, and any sizeable risk requires careful judgment and caution.

Meanwhile, the Sun and Mars and Mercury are all traveling through your third house this month, which might have you visiting with or concerned about siblings, making a short journey, doing some writing, taking a course, or learning and communicating about something new. As the ruler of your seventh house of love and relationships, the planet Mars is a bit weaker than normal this month due to his being in the sign of his fall (Cancer) and under the beams of the Sun. Because Mars is also in the third house you may see some challenges around communication or travel this month within your relationships. It’s also worth noting that the month begins with a square between the Sun and Mars to Jupiter in the sixth house, which means it’s possible that you or your partners are also consumed by your work at this time, or perhaps a little under the weather, or even working to make positive changes to your health. Because the Sun rules the fourth house of home and family, we could also say more generally that this month may involve health issues and healing within your family, within the lives of your siblings, and within relationships generally.

When all is said and done, July is really just a prelude to the eclipses coming through your fourth house of home and family in August. Stay tuned because it’s going to be one of your biggest months of the year!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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