Taurus Horoscope for April 2018

Taurus Horoscope for April 2018

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are in a reflective mode this entire month, Taurus, with Mercury retrograding through your twelfth house of unconscious process. You are in a quite idealized place right now regarding future plans, and the way that you fit your own contribution into the social setting that you belong to, which very much includes the mystical world within you, below and beyond your conscious personality. Because Venus, your ruler, appears in your first house and natal sign all month long, you also find yourself in a position of redefining and expanding upon your sense of self. This is a crucially important time for you, as you prepare for a coming out party once Mercury fully straightens out in May. You are getting your ducks in a row, heading into your next life stage, and the rearrangement could be major. Only your most deeply held values qualify for inclusion into the foundation of the new you that you are building.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins with Venus having just entered your first house, where it will stay for most of April. This is an incredibly important year for you because Uranus, the planet of disruption, rebellion, and unexpected change, is entering your first house in the middle of May. We will explore this transit in depth next month, but for now it’s safe to say that Venus in your first house is preparing you for the changes coming in the next month. Because the first house is the house of health, physical vitality, character, and new beginnings, and because Venus is your ruling planet, you will find yourself surrounded by an aura of beauty, grace, friendship, attraction, and ease. However, beneath the surface bigger changes and personal opportunities are stirring. Pay attention to what you’re wishing for because you might just get it, and sooner rather than later!

On April 2nd, Mars will conjoin Saturn in your ninth house of religion, higher education, and long journeys, perhaps heralding a time of deeper conflict or commitment regarding your beliefs. It’s a wonderful time to express your most passionate ideas or values to others, or to seek opportunities for the development or refinement of your skills or knowledge. Remember, all of these changes are reflecting a profound new chapter of your life that will begin opening next month!

Between April 7th and April 11th, Venus will be moving through Taurus in your first house and making trines to Saturn and Mars in your ninth house of religion, higher beliefs, and long journeys. Again, with all of these planets connecting we see the continuation of the same themes from above. How does the material world, material pleasure, material comfort, or desire, and your religious, political, or philosophical beliefs reflect, or conflict with, one another? You might be exploring these questions more deeply this month, or you might be considering the acquisition of new skills, a new path of learning or teaching.

Late in the evening of April 10th and into April 11th the Sun in Aries in your twelfth house (the house of self, new beginnings, and health), will make a powerful square to Pluto in your ninth house of religion, higher education, and long journeys. Here there is an opportunity to explore issues of faith and power, belief and authority, self-undoing or selfishness and transcendence, self-belief or personal confidence and personal empowerment versus egoism, judgment and paralyzing fear.

April 15th to 18th the Sun in Aries will conjoin with the rebellious and unpredictable Uranus in Aries in your twelfth house, exact just days after a New Moon in your twelfth house on April 15th.Before every powerful new beginning there is typically two things that happen. One, we experience a total meltdown or collapse, or two, we are caught up in a wave of enthusiasm and inspiration. Sometimes both happen at once. Considering that Uranus is knocking on the door of your first house, after seven years in the twelfth house of imprisonment, isolation, and the “dark night of the soul,” this is a transit that is going to jump-start the process of change and transformation that’s waiting for you next month. Don’t be surprised if a surge of rebellion takes place within you, or unexpected but exhilarating changes appear quite suddenly from this point forward!

Between April 16th and 17th, Venus in Taurus will oppose Jupiter in Scorpio in your seventh house of love and relationships. This transit provides you with an opportunity for greater love and understanding in your relationships despite differences in beliefs or differences in practice or approach. It’s a great time for mutual support, love, and cooperation, but be careful of overdoing things or of trying to seduce someone into getting what you want! You may also be asked to compromise for the greater good. As a Taurus, you are a creature of habit and principle, and to you it is shocking to hear someone say that what you need or want is unreasonable. Most of the time it isn’t, but just remember that you are prone to a kind of stubbornness and often seek to control others and things around you. Not everything will always fit the mold you have in mind, and you will see this for yourself very powerfully as Uranus enters your first house next month. Your own mold is about to be broken!

Finally, on April 26th, Mars will conjoin with Pluto in Capricorn in your ninth house of higher education, religion, and long journeys, signaling once again that this new beginning is likely taking place in relation to your faith or beliefs, or regarding some process of learning, education, or foreign travel. As a Taurus, you are slow to change and will often cling somewhat stubbornly to what is familiar and comfortable, but that’s all about to change as a planet associated with earthquakes, shakeups, and rebellion is entering your home sign to stay for the next seven years. Don’t worry though, there are greener pastures waiting for you, and you will find your comfortable position sooner than later if you embrace these changes.


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