Taurus Horoscope for May 2018

Taurus Horoscope for May 2018

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a pivotal month for you, Taurus, in a pivotal year. You are seeing yourself through a series of trials that seem vital for your continued existence, and that have everything to do with personal transformation of a very special kind. Along with your ideas concerning the meaning of relationship in your life, your understanding of your world and your place within it is rapidly evolving. You are being encouraged to put your best foot forward but with a valuation that is only dependent on you; on what you hold deep inside. New initiatives that begin at the very midpoint of the month, with the New Moon of May 15th, threaten to swamp your boat unless you can swiftly learn to bail, and to stay loose while you paddle. Partners can help to keep you stable in the face of change, although the very best strategy is to stay centered in yourself and learn to go with the flow.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

May is arguably the biggest astrological month of 2018, and this is because the slow-moving, outer planet, Uranus, is changing signs, on May 15th, from the sign of Aries to your home sign of Taurus. Planetary changes like this don’t happen very often, and in the science of astrology it’s a very big deal when a slow-moving planet enters a new whole-sign house, so that it is impossible to over-emphasize the changes indicated by Uranus entering one’s first house!

Since May of 2010, Uranus has been slowly moving through your twelfth house, which is the house of unconscious process, also symbolizing prisons, hospitals, and self-undoing. The twelfth house is a very difficult house because planets in this place have just been carried away (by the primary motion of the sky) from the ascendant, which was traditionally called “the helm,” or the steering wheel of the ship of life. For this reason, planets in the twelfth house are thought to be in exile, wandering, sometimes confused or lost, lacking direction or clarity, temporarily held up or suspended in a kind of “dark night of the soul.” In fact, the twelfth house was traditionally called “bad spirit,” and it was also called, “the joy of Saturn.” This might feel heavy as you read it, but it’s also safe to say that for most people, spiritual life and spiritual progress isn’t available to us without some healthy encounters with darkness and confusion. The twelfth house was also traditionally associated with labor and the pains of women in labor. Since the Spring of 2010 you may have deviated somewhat from your path, perhaps in a sudden, disruptive, or unexpected manner. Perhaps you decided to set a new course in life, or on some level, you may have been feeling like you’ve lost your way or that you’ve been trying to get your bearings back. Or perhaps you’ve been “laboring” for quite a while now, working toward a breakthrough, working to be liberated or freed from the stress of something, or laboring to return to yourself or to get back to something essential that you feel you’ve lost. Well, your moment has arrived!

Uranus entering your home sign and moving into the first house of self, health, and vitality, means that on some level you are about to grab the steering wheel again, and this will likely come as a very big relief for you. Uranus is ultimately an awakener and liberator, but sometimes Uranus awakens or liberates by creating sudden and unexpected changes. For security and beauty loving Taureans, this may not be so fun or relieving. Taurus is a fixed earth sign and is known as the one zodiac sign that can be counted on to “holds everything together,” but sometimes even the mountains need to shake!

Uranus entering the first house is known for sudden new beginnings, births, or initiatives. It is associated with sudden changes that may shock or awaken one in a very personal manner. You may start to embody the qualities of a leader, innovator, rebel, or outsider, or you may begin to separate yourself from others or find the need for independence or invention overwhelming. Because the first house is also the house of health and vitality, don’t be surprised if you need to overhaul your diet or make changes for the sake of your long-term health and wellness. This transit will be very active and dynamic for the next year, as Uranus will enter Taurus twice, after a retrograde period back into the late degrees of Aries (between November 2018 and March 2019). So even though this may sound quite exciting, don’t worry, while there are distinct “breakthrough” events for you this month, overall this is a transition that will be playing out in your life for the next year to come, and then progressively developing over the next seven years as Uranus sojourns from the beginning of Taurus to the end.
Because Chiron has also just moved into your twelfth house, this month is also a time of soul-searching for you. Chiron is known as “The Wounded Healer” and is associated with deep process. Located in your twelfth, you will be noticeably affected, likely delving more closely into internal complexes derived from early childhood trauma.
In addition to these major planetary ingresses, the same day that Uranus is moving into Taurus, May 15th, there will be also be a New Moon in Taurus, therefore in your first house, and the planet Mars will simultaneously enter Aquarius, squaring Uranus into the 21st of the month. The New Moon adds to the entrance of Uranus into Taurus, emphasizing the very powerful and personal new beginning taking place in your life right now. Meanwhile, Mars entering your tenth house of career and public reputation points to changes, hard work, new initiatives or challenges regarding your career. These transitions are directly correlated to and amplifying the transformative power of Uranus as it enters your first house. It’s truly a dynamic month ahead, with the middle of the month highlighted as a particularly key moment for Taureans!

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