Taurus Horoscope for August 2018

Taurus Horoscope for August 2018

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another big month for you, Taurus. The eclipses of summer are contributing to your evolutionary development in their own particular way, and it is a way that does not come easily. Nevertheless, there is plenty of optimism as well as frustration; and a distinct spiritual edge to all your striving. Trickster Uranus, known as the wild card in the astrological energy field, is prominent in your solar chart. The Full Moon eclipse from the last days of July that hit your sign quite directly speaks of untoward events and strange enlightenment. You are struggling to assimilate old woundings from deep inside you, so that you can move on. The trick is to lay aside all conventional ideas in order to see what becomes available to you in an entirely unexpected manner. One reward is that you better understand of yourself in these deeper layers. Your perspective on the world is likely to be changing through the experiences of an active and enlightening summer.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

August begins just as Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your tenth house of career makes a square to Uranus in Taurus in your first house. This square comes right on the heels of a powerful lunar eclipse, conjoined with Mars retrograde, in your tenth house. All indications point to some serious changes to your professional situation or within the workplace, with the added emphasis of rebellious, innovative, and unpredictable Uranus in your first house signifying that these changes are even more personal and transformative. You may also notice the following themes are pronounced: personal rebirth and innovation, career transformation or confrontation, challenges to authority or tradition, or sudden and unexpected changes that are intensely personal (possibly related to your health or well being).

Between August 6th and August 9th, your ruling planet, Venus, will enter your sixth house and begin making an immediate square to Saturn in your ninth house. You might be ready to deepen your commitment to your beliefs or you might be looking for new ways to put your beliefs and ideals into action in the world. You may also find that you are naturally contemplating the subject of religion or spirituality within your relationships, at work, or among your co-workers or those you employ. On the other hand, you may find that you are seeking service or healing, knowledge and counsel, or help and advice from someone you respect.

The entire month of August also features Mercury Retrograde in your fourth house of home, family, and property, possibly signaling that you are reorganizing, rethinking, or revising something at home or in relation to your family members. You may also find that you are having to relearn an old skill or revisit events from your past. As the fourth house is related to our parents and the past, don’t be surprised if there are also interesting changes (or even flashbacks) happening in your parents’ lives this month or in your relationship with your parents. You can expect these themes to persist all the way up until August 18th, when Mercury will turn direct again, or even beyond, so that you eventually see the implementation of the lessons you’ve learned or the plans you’ve made during this retrograde time.

On August 11th there is a solar eclipse happening in Leo, again placing emphasis on the same fourth house topics (home/family/property). This solar eclipse is one of several solar eclipses you’ve had in this house over the past few years, but this one is the final fourth house eclipse that you will have for many years to come. As a result, there is a cumulative feeling surrounding this one. Solar eclipses present new beginnings, and so while you may be experiencing a new chapter of life relative to home and family right now, you may also have the sense that these changes are symptomatic of much larger or more comprehensive changes that you are going to make in the year ahead.

Finally, on August 26th, the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your eleventh house, just as Venus in Libra in your sixth house squares Pluto in Capricorn in your ninth. This sequence points to a series of practical changes you are making to more effectively accomplish your dreams and goals. You may be facing challenges with co-workers or colleagues, or even in your romantic relationship, as you are working hard to reorient yourself or recommit yourself to your true passions, studies, faith, or beliefs. Don’t be surprised if you need to let go of different social commitments or if you are feeling a little exhausted or unappreciated right now. With your personal planet (Venus) in the sixth house, you may feel like you are treading water for the moment, but these challenges will soon pass, and if you stay in service to your higher ideals, the right people will come to help you at just the right time!

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