Taurus Horoscope for September 2018

Taurus Horoscope for September 2018

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting month for you, Taurus, another in a long series. Your worldview is massively shifting to accommodate the new information from a somewhat difficult summer, and you are feeling a strong urge to move beyond previous high water marks of the far-out and progressive. This is however offset by a powerful conservative push for not venturing too far away from any existing status quo. It is your inner knowing that will carry the day. Partners come strongly into the picture also, to add their perspectives. You have a mystical feeling for your prospective outlook that grows stronger as the first weeks of September continue to unfold, although you could feel confused as well as enlightened. You are rapidly coming to the conclusion that you must find your own way, independent of consensus attitudes offering their oftentimes bad advice. Instead you win by counting on an almost magical process of intuition that, no matter what logic and material considerations have to offer, always tells you true.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

September embodies some repeated themes for Taureans, thanks to both Mars and Venus making hard aspects to Uranus in Taurus in your first house, but prior to that, the month begins with a harmonious sextile between Mercury and Venus culminating on September 3rd, emphasizing themes of elegance, agreement, harmony, compromise, and intelligence, as well as creativity or performance. With Mercury in your fourth house of home and family, and your ruling planet, Venus, in your sixth house of work and service, you might be finding new ways to manage or divide responsibilities in the home or family, you might be hiring somebody new, or you might be looking for an easier way of accomplishing things, or you might be seeking to enjoy more quality time with your family and less time slaving away at an endless to-do list.

On September 8th Venus in Libra in your sixth house of work and service will square Mars in the ninth house of higher education, long journeys, and spirituality. Classically speaking, Venus in this “superior square” position was said to be “overcoming” Mars, which, in this case, may suggest that you are seeking out compromises in your relationships regarding differing beliefs, ideals, or spiritual practices, or perhaps you are learning to communicate your beliefs with just a little more grace and ease. There is also an element of creative or even sexual tension in the air with this transit. It’s therefore a great time to travel or plan for an exciting adventure abroad, or to find creative ways of putting your beliefs into tangible, daily practice.

The New Moon this month comes on September 9th and falls in Virgo in your fifth house of creativity, joy, pregnancy, and children and opposes Neptune in Pisces in your eleventh house of friends, allies, and groups. The seeds of greater joy and creativity are being planted, but for these seeds to take root it may also require a sea change in your social life. You are either becoming disillusioned with certain elements of your social life, or perhaps considering brand new people and brand-new visions for the future. Let your joy light the way in front of you, but remember, with your home planet, Venus, about to retrograde next month in your seventh house of relationships, the changes you are experiencing right now will likely affect your relationships as the year winds down.

Then, on September 12th, Venus in your seventh house of love and relationships will oppose Uranus in Taurus in your first and home house of “self.” This could be a time of disruption, change, or revolution in your relationships. Relationships can be like a fun house mirror. We don’t always like what we see, and sometimes we distort one another, but we also help each other to see what we can’t see alone. As a lover of stability, you may not like the erratic mood of this transit, but it may easily bring greater harmony and understanding into your relationships if you allow for a brief season of revolution to work its magic.

In similar fashion, on September 18th, Mars in Aquarius in your tenth house of career will square Uranus in Taurus in your first house, signaling another window of potentially erratic, disruptive, and revolutionary changes coming your way (par for the course since Uranus entered your home sign in May of 2018!). But unlike Venus, this transit from Mars to Uranus has more of an enlivening affect, and will likely involve an intensification of energies and events related to your career or professional direction.

Between September 22nd and 23rd, the Sun will pass through the gateway of the Fall Equinox, entering Libra and moving into your sixth house of work and service. This may be the start of a busier period, so be sure you are taking time to care for yourself and to find the balance between all the things you “must do” and all the things you should enjoy.

Finally, on September 24th the Full Moon will fall into the sign of Aries in the twelfth house of ego-loss, opposite Mercury and the Sun in Libra in your sixth house of work and service, and creating a T-square with Saturn in Capricorn in your ninth house of higher education and spirituality, emphasizing themes of self-reflection, healing, faith, and learning. With Mercury also making a trine to Mars in your career house, you will likely be making some important decisions related to your career. It’s also a great time to find teachers, mentors, or healing assistance, with Mercury in the sixth house of service making a square to Saturn in the house of spirituality and higher education.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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