Taurus Horoscope for April 2019

Taurus Horoscope for April 2019

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is for you an interesting month of great awareness and greater change, Taurus. Your future plans, and even your feelings of self-identity – your notion of who and what you really are – have been going through a sea-change in recent weeks, and the beat continues. Mystical realities out-trump mundane concerns that are only a mirage of the actual picture of what is going on. As Mercury recovers from its retrograde through the first half, you continue to explore inner matters. Your actual goals, based on your most sincere values, are slowly beginning to emerge. It has never been more important that you fully understand these, and how your present career moves fit into this larger pattern of where you are truly heading, and why. Do not fear looking into unusual territory as you wider your search to the deeper meaning, and dipping into previously unexplored pathways. In the most unusual of places is sometimes where you find the pearl of great price, and the inner light of profound truth.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

April begins just as Mercury is moving through a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces (perfecting on April 2nd) in your eleventh house of friends, wishes, and benefactors. With Mercury also making a square to Jupiter in Sagittarius in your eighth house of death, rebirth, and other people’s money or resources (perfecting April 12th), you are exploring the deeper significance of your friendships this month, perhaps seeking new allies, or finding help through the resources of groups or new colleagues and friends. However magical the connections you are making right now might be, with Mercury’s conjunction to Neptune and eventual entrance into Aries in your twelfth house (April 17th), it’s important to be discerning and realistic about your expectations of what can be gained from the connections you are making.

On April 5th, the New Moon in Aries will fall in your twelfth house of dissolution and self-undoing. The Sun in Aries is then making squares to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in your ninth house of the higher mind between April 10th and 13th, all of which points to the need to question higher authorities, beliefs, or principles in search of the highest truth. However, there is also the potential to be overly militant or zealous about your higher beliefs or principles during this Moon cycle, so remember to be patient, compassionate and kind with yourself and others as you go along. Questions asked to the Universe from a place of sincerity and humility will always empower you to walk in the right direction!

Between April 9th and 10th, Venus in Pisces will conjoin Neptune in Pisces in your eleventh house, and then on April 15th Venus will square Jupiter in Sagittarius in the eighth house of death, rebirth, and other people’s money, pointing to yet another powerful moment of benefits, beauty, and blessings regarding your friends or social circles this month. This is certainly the theme of your month, and yet Venus, like Mercury, must be careful not to get swept up in ungrounded romantic fantasies along the way.

On April 19th, the Full Moon will fall in Libra in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service, making a square to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in your ninth house of the higher mind. Here we see the possibility for an intellectual or spiritual balancing point, or a moment of harmonizing your beliefs and ideals with others for the sake of serving a larger purpose or cause. Whereas the month began with fire and actions, by the time of the Full Moon in Venus-ruled Libra, you should notice a harmonizing energy coming through to help you smooth out the rough edges.

At the same time, between the 19th and 23rd both Mercury and your ruling planet, Venus, will conjoin Chiron in Aries in your twelfth house, emphasizing a moment of mental or intellectual breakthrough, wisdom, and personal healing.

On April 20th, the Sun will also enter your home sign and immediately conjoin Uranus in Taurus, bringing through the 23rd a moment of personal and spiritual illumination or insight to go along with the healing energies of Mercury, Venus, and Chiron in Aries in your twelfth house of unconscious process and dream work.

Finally, between April 25th and 27th, Mars in Gemini in your second house of finances and resources will square Neptune in your eleventh house of allies and friends, perhaps bringing with it the impetus to invest in or start a work-related project with friends, or to contribute financially to a group or organization that you are professionally or personally aligned with.

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