Taurus Horoscope for March 2019

Taurus Horoscope for March 2019

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another big month for you, Taurus, when the very ground beneath your feet seems to shift and morph into something not at all familiar, even slightly fantastic. You are on the one hand quietly determined to make your way forward with career agendas that inspire you, while on the other you are immersed in something of a sea-change, feeling yourself almost willy-nilly adopting attitudes quite rich and strange. The month-long retrograde of Mercury through your sector of plans and goals, beginning March 5th, is part of this; you are far more introspective than usual about where you are going and indeed, even who you really are. With the New Moon of the very next day, accompanied by the entrance of Uranus into your sign, you are entering into a full-on inventive space where anything goes. Reality becomes more plastic, and more completely based in the spiritual requirements of the situation. This can actually be an entirely Good Thing if you are ready for it.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month gets started just as Venus, your ruling planet, makes a square from the sign of Capricorn in your ninth house to the planet Uranus in Aries in your twelfth house. This transit emphasizes the need you might be feeling right now to march to the beat of your own drum, to question authority, or to examine personal doubts or pressing questions, especially in educational or spiritual settings.

On March 6th, the New Moon in Pisces will conjoin with Neptune while Mercury is turning retrograde in Pisces in your eleventh house of groups, friends, allies, and benefactors. In the month ahead, you are going to be taking a deep look at your political, social, religious, or professional associations, with an eye toward forming new collaborations with others or revising current strategies at work. However, with Mercury turning retrograde and with Neptune involved, it’s important you be as discerning and rational as possible, as it may be tempting to see everything through rose colored glasses right now.

Between March 14th and March 20th, Mars in your home sign of Taurus will make trines to both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in your ninth house of the higher mind and long journeys, again indicating that the topics of spirituality and higher learning are important this month. However convicted you might be feeling, be careful of bulldozing others or becoming too rigid about your ideas in the process. Try to be flexible, patient, and tolerant, even as you are feeling the need to act on your principles in a decisive manner.

On March 20th, the Full Moon in Libra will light up your sixth house just as the Spring Equinox is taking place and the Sun is entering Aries and conjoining with Chiron in your twelfth house. At the same time your ruling planet, Venus, will be square to Mars. Again, be careful of the temptation to push your own agenda at all costs right now, as the fallout could create problems in key relationships. With the Sun conjoining Aries in your twelfth house, you are ready to learn important lessons about power, anger, aggression, and the appropriate use of your will, while the Full Moon in Libra in the sixth house emphasizes the importance of remaining diplomatic, fair-minded and attentive to the needs of others.

On March 24th Mercury in retrograde will conjoin with Neptune in your eleventh house, bringing a moment of otherworldly communication, insight, and spiritual clarity in relation to friends, groups, and allies. However, this same transit can also, once again, emphasize delusions, fantasies, and deception. There is a fine line right now between spiritual or emotional inspiration, likely found in your relationship with friends or colleagues, and being taken advantage of or taking advantage of someone else behind the façade of “good intentions.”

On March 26th, your ruling planet, Venus, will enter her exaltation in Pisces and move into the house of friends, groups, allies, and benefactors. You may be a rising star right now among your friends, or you might be attracting the attention of certain powerful allies. The warning, however, is the same, be careful that you are not lost in the lights right now. When Mercury turns direct on March 28th, and rejoins with Neptune, you may start to implement new ideas or begin new relationships with attempts at a new stage of greater clarity and discernment; remember though that Mercury with Neptune can be cloudy and mysterious, or even deceptive.

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