Taurus Horoscope for April 2020

Taurus Horoscope for April 2020

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of outer planet activation in the heavens, Taurus, meaning that there is more to transpiring events than meets the eye. These are of course days of great difficulty in the 3D world of physical presence. For you, a concentration of energy in your higher mind sector, symbolizes much is available for you to learn from, in your present circumstances. There is a special emphasis now as well on interior process, and inner wounding, implying that by self-study and focused inquiry you can make progress in moving beyond trauma and connecting to your walled-off places that are in great need of it. Your ruler, Venus, moves into Gemini the first weekend of the month, speaking to values that you have within you that go far beyond the financial. Venus will retrograde there in May, spending therefore from April to early August in Gemini, four months in all. During this time you will be discovering in your own way what merely glitters, versus the true gold of character and an integrated heart.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of April begins with a dynamic First Quarter Moon emphasizing relationship and career limitations. Your ruler Venus I also entering Gemini, corresponding to your second solar sector of resources and finances, on April 3rd, where she will spend the next four months due to her unusual retrograde beginning in May. You might find your attention turning increasingly towards your financial situation, and your cash flow. Mars and Saturn, having just entered Aquarius, and your career sector, are also conjoined at this time. You could be extremely busy with work right now, which is good considering the general instability we are all experiencing on a societal level. Mars and Saturn being in Aquarius indicates a period when you need to roll up your sleeve and patiently deal with your workload. Saturn in Aquarius for the next several years represent a new era in connection with your work that will bring new opportunities but also new challenges. You might be thrust with more responsibilities or assume an important role in your community. This month you might get a glimpse of important developments that will take place in the following years.

Jupiter conjoined with Pluto in Capricorn permeates the first week of April. For you it highlights the powerful shifts that have occurred in connection with your philosophies, and beliefs. In the last few years you have been working hard on redefining your perception and overall attitude. Mind-expanding experiences, teachings, and ideas has changed the way you approach your everyday life. The wisdom acquired through these learning experiences is now giving you a solid foundation on which to rest your mind during these changing times.

The Full Moon in Libra taking place on April 7th could highlight the need to stop for a moment of indulgence. This is a good time to reconnect with your body, and release any tension you are experiencing. The Sun is still in Aries for another two weeks before it enters the sign of Taurus signaling the beginning of a new solar cycle for you. Until then, it’s a good time to de-clutter mind, body, closet, and take a break to regroup. Mars in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus could bring unforeseen situations to deal with so keep that in mind and stay flexible around the Full Moon. Give yourself time to disconnect from your work and reconnect with yourself.

Mercury enters Aries on the evening of April 10th and brings attention once again on the need to find down time and recharge your batteries, process ideas, and assess your overall direction. The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn arrives mid-month carrying tension, and the need to reconcile your unconscious motivations with your more outwardly directed pursuits. This is an excellent time to let go of old undermining narratives that are playing in a loop in the back of your mind.

The Sun enters Taurus on April 19th signaling the beginning of a new solar cycle for you. After the heavy lifting of the last few weeks, you should start to regain the vitality needed to tackle your work. The New Moon arrives a few days later on April 22nd conjoined with Uranus in Taurus and squaring Saturn in Aquarius. This is a very positive reset for you with regards to your ideas and how they are impacting the world you live in. Uranus currently transiting in Taurus is giving you the edge that everyone is looking for. The way you think, and what you are bringing to the table is in high demand. Your grounded approach paired with your work ethic is ensuring that you are kept very busy. This time is characterized by hard work, and ambition; seize the bull by the horn. The New Moon in Taurus is a perfect opportunity to set long term intentions, even if they seem far-fetched for your current arrangements. You might be surprised by the direction in which these roots grow in the next year.

Mercury enters Taurus to close the month on April 27th, and immediately squares Saturn in Aquarius while conjoined with Uranus in Taurus. There is some pressure at the end of the month especially with the First Quarter Moon taking place in your home sector. You might feel pulled in many directions at once while still needing to get your work done. It’s not the end of the world but you will need to schedule your time accordingly to meet all the demands made on you. With Uranus in Taurus being such a big player in the astrology of April, you will also need to contend with a certain volatile or unpredictable element. This is an excellent time to practice mindfulness, and stay flexible. Your ruler Venus transiting in Gemini all month should help you do that. However, you need to guard yourself against over thinking, something that is quite possible with Venus in Gemini. Deal with stressors as they arise, and make sure you give yourself plenty of downtime to recharge.

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