Taurus Horoscope for March 2020

Taurus Horoscope for March 2020

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an important month for you, Taurus, as you seek to establish to further comprehend who you really are. Your evolving worldview over the beginning of the year has made waves in your self-concept – and also in your future plans – that are not easily satisfied. Strong intuitional information comes at you straight from your unconscious process and you do well to heed it. With Mercury in its retrograde period for most of the month, when you count the nearly three-week shadow period that follows its station to direct motion on the 9th, you are in an introspective mode, seeking a better grasp on where you are currently headed. This involves partners as well as yourself. You are attempting to see how well your current prospective goals match your deepest and most sincere values, and also to understand where to put your shoulder to the wheel and help to enable important social changes actually happen. To your credit, it is an idealistic vision that you are carrying forward.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Relationships continue to be on your mind as the month of March begins. Negotiations are in the works, and it could feel difficult to reconcile your need for space and your need for others. Venus in Aries squaring Saturn in Capricorn to begin the month calls for compromise in your associations. This has been an ongoing process with the ebb and flow of desire conducting the dance. Venus enters Taurus on March 4th to grace your sign with sweetness. You should start to feel more relaxed in regards to partnerships and the place you are willing to make for them. With rebel planet Uranus currently transiting in Taurus, your need for freedom is increasing while your patience for compromise might not be as high. It could also be that your desire for novelty is reshaping the way you relate, and the familiar doesn’t appeal to you as much these days. You want fresh perspectives and could be feeling more daring to try new things. People around you will need to adapt as you are not going back to the old you anytime soon. You could get a clear picture of your relational dynamics on the weekend of March 7th – and the 9th – while Venus conjuncts Uranus in your sign. It could feel both exciting and daunting to step out of your comfort zone, but you are ready for anything.

Also on March 9th the Virgo Full Moon takes place, and what makes this one extra special is its opposition to the Sun and Neptune in Pisces. The Full Moon in Virgo illuminates your creative projects, and the steps needed to accomplish them. The Sun and Neptune in Pisces on the other hand highlights your connection with the collectivity or with a group of like-minded individuals. Somehow these two aspects of your life are connected or need to be reconciled. Your ideas and your contributions to a bigger whole are equally important but this Full Moon in Virgo is about your personal creative process. Mercury stations direct later that day in the sign of Aquarius brings an emphasis on your place in the world, and your vocational aspirations. This is a significant time of the month that should help you clarify some of your goals.

Mid-month, the Sun in Pisces begins a series of supportive sextiles to Jupiter, Pluto, and then Saturn in Capricorn. For you Taurus, these three major players are currently transiting in your ninth house of long-distance travel, education, and higher mind. The Sun in Pisces in your eleventh house of friends and wider social circles is therefore indicating in this timing that opportunities for learning or traveling will come via your associations. With proper planning and hard work a lot of can be derived from these parts of your life! These themes come to the forefront between the 10th and the 19th of March.

The Sun enters the sign of Aries on March 19th signalling the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. This is always an important marker astrologically speaking. The Sun’s ingress in Aries marks the beginning of the zodiac. There could be a certain level of pressure building up at this time of the Aries ingress with Mars conjoining Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn entering Aquarius on the 21st; the new structures you have been dreaming about are now asking to be born. Expansion in your career or line of work is possible however it will require efforts and trimming off the unnecessary elements. An idea or a conversation that was in the works at the beginning of February could come back around and ready to be concretized. The second half of March contains loads of building momentum, inspiration and potential help from your allies.

The New Moon in Aries on March 24th will ask you to slow down and cool off your engines. After the mid-month rush, you might need to take some space to regroup and charge your batteries. With this New Moon taking place in your soul-sector, it’s an excellent occasion to find downtime, tune in, and take stock. What is motivating you right now? What would you like to accomplish this year? You have approximately a month left before the Sun enters your sign signalling the beginning of a new solar year for you. Making space for clarity and contemplation regarding your core motivations will bring clarity and help you set things in motion.

Venus, your ruler and planet of beauty and luxury, will continue to grace your sign for the rest of March. Scheduling a small indulgence, a massage, or some other type of bodywork could prove beneficial in releasing tension. Prioritizing your well being will help you be more productive in the long run. Even though you are a natural epicurean, recent obligations might have kept you from finding the opportunity to relax. Since March promises to be an action-packed month, make sure you have some downtown scheduled for yourself.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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