Taurus Horoscope for December 2020

Taurus Horoscope for December 2020

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents what is in many ways a continuation of the transformational times that have already been coming down, Taurus, with however a twist in terms of new vistas for future development of a vastly different variety. While your beliefs and your worldview have been shifting in more inclusive directions, you are more and more convinced that forces within you are capable of leading you toward more natural innate expression of your talents. Your very identity has been shifting along the lines of alternative possibilities, to the extent that you can stay open to them. Intimacy with others, and most especially with your own inner workings, has been on your radar recently, and especially this month, in the mid-December timing of the Sagittarius New Moon. Relationship is a vital factor for you that has been hibernating these past many weeks, mulling over new forms of expression in the process, and about to come out of hiding, celebrating new ways of connecting to important others in your life.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

December arrives just on the other side of a Lunar Eclipse in Gemini which activated surprising Uranus located in your sign. This might have you seeking innovative ways to move about in the world, or buzzing about an idea that could be financially advantageous. You may be feeling inspired throughout the month, and with Uranus transiting in your sign for the next several years you have a creative advantage. Ingenuity is available, and it could be profitable to tap into this pathway of genius with a few good brainstorming sessions.

Partnerships continue to be a big theme for you this month as well. The New Moon in Scorpio on November 15th has made you hyper aware of the various relationship dynamics playing out in your life. Your ruling planet Venus, still transiting in Scorpio for the first half of the month, brings relationship concepts to the fore. You could also find that you have an eye for power play, and potentially manipulative tactics. Sometimes it's good to be the silent observer. It gives you the advantage of being someone people feel safe around while they confide in you. What others reveal could help you strategize especially when it comes to your business partnerships.

Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 1st, joining the Sun in this sign, and illuminating your contracts and obligations with others. You may feel a need for greater anomy in all your dealings but you may simultaneously find yourself benefiting from your associations. Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on the 5th and 6th, which might encourage further creative alliances. Networking and the arts are indicated for you during the second week of December. You may want to put yourself, and your project out there to see what comes up. However, a few days later, on the 8th and 9th, the Sun in Sagittarius squaring Neptune has the potential to blur the lines between what is yours and what belongs to others. You may be in a position where you are asked to give too much with very little in return. Someone might be pushing your boundaries and you may realize how draining that can feel. Pay attention to your energy level at this time and make sure to put your foot down if someone is being too demanding; otherwise you may run the risk of being left frustrated by your perceived inability to assert yourself.

Things may seem unclear leading to the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14th, which is quite a potent juncture, and the eclipse could bring in a degree of clarity, especially around your intimate connections or investments from others. You may be prompt to find a certain level of independence in order to gain the freedom of movement you desire. There could also be resolution and a coming to a head, around changes that have been building up in the way that you conceptualize the world around you.

Venus enters Sagittarius on the 15th, and will transit there until January 8th. Venus in Sagittarius brings a diplomatic energy to interpersonal connections, giving them increased focus, and could help smooth things over, allowing you to find the right balance between give and take.

On December 16th-17th, Saturn re-enters Aquarius where it will remain until March 2023. It initially ingressed into Aquarius earlier this year, on March 21st, but only stayed there until the beginning of July. During this time you may have intuited things to come that are working themselves out now in more detail. Themes which first surfaced around that Spring Equinox period may appear again this month, with Saturn’s official entry into Aquarius. This ingress kicks off a two-year period where the emphasis will be on your vocational pursuits, and your career direction. Saturn’s entry into Aquarius is backed up by Jupiter also entering Aquarius on the 19th. Mercury in Sagittarius conjoins the Sun on the same day bringing an extra dose of clarity and renewed sense of direction on the eve of the Winter Solstice.

Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn on the 20th while the Sun follows suit the next day, signaling the Winter Solstice, when the winter season begins in the Northern Hemisphere. The much-anticipated conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius takes place on this same day of the Winter Solstice, inaugurating a 200-year period when the Air element will become the focus of future Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions, every twenty years. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius could favor creative and intellectual advancements and an overall re-structuration of how things are done on a collective level. This conjunction could prompt you in the following months to revise and restructure your career goals in the light of what is transpiring in the world.

The Last Quarter Moon in Aries on the 21st could pull you inward and into reflective mode. This is also the Winter Solstice, when the Sun enters Capricorn, and when Jupiter and Saturn conjoin at the very beginning of Aquarius. You may need to take stock as a difficult year comes to a close. With Mercury and the Sun in Capricorn getting ready to trine Uranus in your sign, peaking during the last weekend of December, this could find you intuiting what is emerging on the horizon. You may have a feeling of the potentiality embedded in this special moment.

On December 29th, a Full Moon in Cancer rises in the night sky transporting you into another place, and into another time. This is another significant moment in your process of discovery of your bottom line beliefs and values. You could feel like spending time with your family or your close friends reminiscing about the past; and, as well, everything that is to come.

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