Taurus Horoscope for January 2021

Taurus Horoscope for January 2021

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is a full one for you, Taurus, as you make your calendar transition, which might also be symbolic of significant shifts internally. There are astrological indications of a change in your psychic weather that affects your prospective way of being out in the world. Intimacy, too, is on your mind and in your heart these days, not least involving intimacy with yourself in your deeper layers. You are feeling a new sense of responsibility around the concept of partnership, and for doing it right. An evolving worldview is sneaking up on you, and coming to a head with the January 12th New Moon. You could be feeing a subtle discontent with things as they have been. It is vitally important in all this that you trust your intuition, and what it is attempting to convey, even as you find it more than just a bit fuzzy around the edges. These subtleties may well contain what will turn out in the end to amount to a great truth. Some sense of fundamental mission seems to be calling you to a larger sense of service, both to the community that surrounds you, and to the earth.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Happy New Year, dear Taurus, and congrats on getting through a very difficult year, likely more bold and beautiful than you already were. The New Year arrives with a lot of changes in the astrological skies. Jupiter and Saturn are now firmly installed in Aquarius which emphasize the career sector of your chart while also squaring your sign. You may find yourself gaining traction in regards to your professional life while also having to deal with more responsibilities. There may be opportunities related to your career that could offer growth this year. However, with Saturn squaring Taurus (by whole sign until 2023), it could mean that you have to relinquish a certain amount of comfort. It could be time to roll up your sleeves to make these opportunities happen. Mars just spent six months in Aries firing up the soul-sector of your chart where it may have brought greater awareness surrounding issues of self-assertion. You may be less willing to compromise these days. Mars enters Taurus on the 6th which brings significant energy to your sign until the beginning of March. What has been simmering without concrete form since last Summer may gain traction. You may have felt strongly about a certain situation without knowing how to act. Mars’s ingress in your sign will bring a change of pace. Thus your ability to act in the world could suddenly feel more at hand and full of changes in direction.

Venus , your ruling planet, remains in the sign of Sagittarius until the 8th. This is the sign where a potent Solar Eclipse (in mid-December) could potentially have triggered some anxieties around your finances or a contract you have with someone. There could be stress surrounding a dysfunctional collaboration which in turn is monopolizing a lot of your energy. Venus entering Capricorn on the 8th might help broaden your perspective for the rest of the month. You could feel a renewed sense of faith in connection with your long term goals. Venus trines Mars in Taurus on the 9th which helps open your mind to new possibilities.

Mercury also enters Aquarius on the 8th, and conjuncts Saturn on the 9th, Jupiter on the 11th, and squares Uranus in Taurus on the 12th; an initial roadblock may reveal itself to be a new avenue. Finances fluctuate. Stay open to changing your mind at the last minute about a current career conundrum. 

On the 12th, the New Moon in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto for a double dose of rebirth energies. This brings a potent reset for anything related to learning. Whether you have been on an educational journey, or a trajectory that has deeply changed and molded new philosophical perspectives for you in the last three years, this New Moon in Capricorn carries fresh power in this Higher Mind area of your life. The knowledge you have acquired over past months could become a greater focus and start to make a lot more sense. Your ability to apply what you have learned is about to get a lot more obvious in the months to come. Saturn in Aquarius squaring Mars in Taurus at the time of the New Moon also speaks again of the potential for a high workload, and responsibilities that comes with it. You may have to roll up your sleeves, put your head down, and power through the work. Uranus stations direct on the 14th after a six-month retrograde period in Taurus. Uranus moving direct could re-awaken a desire for more independence in your life while letting you enjoy relishing in a rebellious streak. You may have less patience to work under the authority of someone else at this time, so keep that in mind.

The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th joining Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury already transiting there and emphasizing your career. You could feel tension building up in the second half of the month leading to the First Quarter Moon in Taurus, on the 20th, which triggers the Mars/Uranus conjunction in your sign. You may find it hard now to reconcile your personal needs with your career obligations. You could feel the urge to break away from your routine in order to try something new and exciting. You could also feel polarized by your sense of duty, versus your need for freedom. The more of this rebellious energy you use to reach for new goals the better. Risk-taking is tempting and could very well pay off, especially if you can have a clear strategy in place. Otherwise, you may want to stay clear of impulsive reactions; you may end up regretting it later on. You might also have more energy for physical exercise, and that could be a good way to blow off some steam.

The Full Moon in Leo on the 28th lights up your home sector, emphasizing your family or your base of operation together with your career, so that you may be seeking an amalgam of both that works for you. Or you may be forced to divide your attention between your responsibilities at work and something that needs your attention at home.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius on the 30th, and will be moving retrograde until February 20th, which might prompt you to again re-adjust your vocational trajectory. This is by no means a total reversal but is rather an opportunity to review and revise, delineating a clearer path for your career goals as you look to the year ahead.

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