Taurus Horoscope for July 2020

Taurus Horoscope for July 2020

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is, once again, quite a month of change for you, Taurus. Your world view has been doing somersaults all these past months, with deep intuition more involved there than surface consciousness, and this continues. Your ruler, Venus, in retrograde motion until the last week of June, through your second solar sector, has had you rethinking everything that has to do with your finances and other resources, while your current focus on communication and learning has also a distinct introspective mode to it. This is in part due to the current Mercury Retrograde, as the month begins, with effects lasting right to the end of the month. Your understanding of the world around you grows in proportion to the extent that you can trust the deeper elements of your psyche; these connect up more directly to the Universe that surrounds you, and in which you have your being, than you might oftentimes give credit for. You do best at this time to take everything that happens as it comes, allowing yourself to simply trust in the ultimate beneficence of the cosmos itself to see you through.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

You are very focused on career as this month of July begins, and the question is whether you might also begin thinking about outer world achievement in a new way and have the curiosity to explore new ideas there. Also, your ruling planet Venus only just turned to direct motion on June 25th after being retrograde for 43 days in the sign of Gemini, involving your resources and your values. All of the areas associated with Venus have therefore been undergoing a face lift, including love, beauty, harmony, money, worth, and pleasure. You might have felt like your relaxed and charmed demeanor was hijacked by a tense tormentor or that what usually appeases your senses wasn’t available. Venus is now direct and retracing her step in Gemini covering much of the same territory. She is moving forward and is also better informed, which means the lessons of the last month and a half are now being integrated these first three weeks of July. You might feel as though you can start breathing again. The realignment of values and self worth that occurred during this Venus retrograde will help you find a more stable ground on which to launch yourself and share your talents with the world. Finances will continue to be an area of focus directly linked to the appraisal of your worth. Communications and feelings inter mingle and it could be harder to adopt a rational mindset. It might also feel easier to be demonstrative and affectionate with your loved ones.

Saturn retrograde also moves back into Capricorn to begin the month bringing attention to unfinished projects. Saturn transiting back in the sign of the sea-goat until December is your cue to integrate the bigger philosophical frameworks you have been exploring in the last two years. The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 4th highlights an educational or teaching journey. Perhaps it’s a learning process that has helped your thinking evolve, and brought significant changes to your communication style. Saturn entered Capricorn in 2018 and brought opportunities to refine your worldview. In your search for meaning, you have found profound truth that has changed your perception of reality. Currently, Mercury is also retrograde in Cancer, as well. Old assumptions are falling away making room for bigger possibilities. It will start to feel easier and easier to share your unique viewpoints with the world as opportunities to do so present themselves.

On July 8th, Mercury Retrograde squaring Mars in Aries could test your ability to communicate clearly. Any lingering resentment could surface under this aspect and it's important to be aware of buried grudges.

On July 11th, tension continues to build up during the second week of July with Chiron stationing retrograde while conjunct the Moon and Mars in Aries. This is a sensitive time in the month when you need to tread carefully, especially around difficult conversation. You might not be aware of how much pent up emotions you have around a particular situation until it is too late. The Last Quarter Moon in Aries on July 12th takes place with Mars still conjunct Chiron, just as Mercury stations direct, offering painful but cathartic opportunities for healing. You might be called to assert yourself in a way that feels uncomfortable.

Also on July 12th, the Sun in Cancer opposes Jupiter in Capricorn, and moves to opps Pluto as well over the next few days. There could be new opportunities on the horizon especially in connection with group participation. You might feel the need to be of service in your community driven by a stronger philosophical ideal than usual. There is an urge for transformation of your worldview that does not easily find its resolution.

The New Moon on July 20th occurs at 28 degrees of Cancer in direct opposition to Saturn in Capricorn; efforts will be needed to complete a project, and this is your cue to get to work. You should have a greater ability to set a realistic timeline on this New Moon. Regarding your beliefs and worldview in evolution, this is the last mile of the journey but there is still a lot to do before you get to the end. Jupiter also begins to sextile Neptune in Pisces representing a calmer period of growth and faith.

The Sun enters the fixed fires of Leo on July 22nd illuminating your base of operation for the next month. Home and family issues could arise. Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on July 25th blurring the reality of a situation. This could relate to your finances or your place in a group. You might be idealizing a scenario and missing out on an important detail which could bring disappointment later. It might be best to wait until the end of the month to make a commitment if you are not certain.

The First Quarter Moon in Scorpio on July 27th brings up important conversations around independence and commitment. Complications around shared assets might surface again without a clear solution in sight. Uranus in your sign is making you less willing to compromise these days. If you keep that ongoing factor in mind, it will be easier to express your need for space and independence while preserving your balance in important relationships.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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