Taurus Horoscope for June 2020

Taurus Horoscope for June 2020

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of introspection for you, Taurus, with your ruler Venus in retrograde, and after the 17th, Mercury. It is a month, too, of structural metamorphosis in the way that you conceptualize the world around you, in your beliefs and your core values. These are shifting, and yet there is your natural resistance to change. This month in fact presents you with a delicate dance of what to keep, and what to throw away, as you make further progress into what is essentially an entirely new emerging worldview in this transformative time. The way that you conceptualize the time ahead is a significant part of this; new future plans are emerging into your more conscious awareness almost every day. The New Moon eclipse of June 20th is potent and stimulates your introspective curiosity as well as your communicative outreach. Your intuition is well developed now and serves you as one key into your changes yet to come, so that you must somehow learn to more fully trust it.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

You are back to work amidst the new normal and it is not as bad as you thought. May was a busy month for you considering the state of the world, and June promises to get even busier. You have your eyes on financial matters as the month begins with your ruling planet Venus moving retrograde in Gemini. What comes in and out of your wallet should be duly noted for future reference. Some say that money is never fixed and must always be moving as it is in its nature to be mutable. This is no secret to you as one of your many talents lies in your ability to invest where it will pay off. Venus retrograde joins the Sun in Gemini on June 3rd clarifying the financial gains that are possible at the moment. Mars in Pisces squaring Venus and the Sun in Gemini carries tension and compromise needed in group collaboration. Your associations are closely linked to the way you are generating revenue at the moment and should be handled with care. Reputation is another important factor. Who you know and the impression you make is helping you climb the social ladder. Don’t shy away from praise as you are currently well equipped to deliver the goods.

The Full Moon taking place on June 5th is the first eclipse on the Sagittarius-Gemini axis since the Nodes of the Moon have changed signs. This penumbral lunar eclipse takes place in mid-Sagittarius, triggering themes related to your close partnerships, intimacy, and more extensively your shared assets. Mars precisely squaring the Moon at the time of the eclipse denotes some tension between what is visible and what is hidden. A stressful situation needs to be addressed before you can move deeper into a particular partnership. Unresolved tension is ready to surface. Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus at the time of the eclipse could be the silver lining giving you the ability to stand your ground while being compassionate. There is a way to be firm and gentle simultaneously when negotiating so trust your instinct.

Mid-month, the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces highlights how difficult it is to reconcile the time you invest in your community versus what you get in return, especially financially. You are forced to rethink the way you do things out of necessity. Assessing where your energy is being invested and adjusting your stance will pay off in the long run. Make a list of priorities and make sure you give yourself some time off.

Mercury stations retrograde in the sign of Cancer on the late evening of June 17th in your communication sector. This will give you the opportunity to assess where you need to adjust your intake and output especially when it comes to social media and the Internet. If you have been spending too much time online in the recent months, Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is your opportunity to take a break from the incessant flow of information. On the contrary, you might be thinking about launching a new online business or website. This Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time to work behind the scenes, and refine your idea until Mercury stations direct on July 12th.

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer on June 20th signalling the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. A few hours later a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon enters Cancer and meets with the Sun. This annular solar eclipse is the last one in Cancer from a series that began in July 2018. This solar eclipse is particularly potent as it sits at the zero degree point that marks the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. A cycle comes to a close, and a new one begins, in connection with the way you express yourself, what you have to say, and how you want to say it.

Your ruling planet Venus stations direct on June 25th in the sign of Gemini. You can start to make sense of negations that were taking place at the beginning of the month. You are also in a better place to make financial decisions. Prioritizing your needs should not feel like a compromise.

Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn conjoin for a second time at the end of the month. Their first conjunction on April 4th, initiated a new cycle of growth in connection with a learning journey, travel, education, or a mind-expanding project. This second conjunction will bring necessary revision and adjustments needed before you can continue with your big idea. Some things might not be possible anymore due to the recent pandemic. However, ingenuity and a good brainstorming session will highlight new possibilities.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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