Taurus Horoscope for July 2021

Taurus Horoscope for July 2021

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an important month for you Taurus, as you emerge from the greatest intensity of the recent Mercury Retrograde period that found you questioning your values. At the timing of this month’s Cancer New Moon, on Friday, July 9th, with Mercury finally fully straightened out, you are seeking inspiration for new initiatives based on all that you have learned over the previous rather intense cycle. This could turn out to be an issue of trusting your intuition and making space, as well, for important partners in your life. These factors, including your powerful unconscious, are guiding you now, more than you know. As you vitally transform, and as your very worldview massively shifts, you are coming to understand that mere logic, while important, can’t take you all the way through to the conclusion that you need to reach. In spite of the truism that you cannot help being essentially on your own, you can still receive some able support from friends and angel guidance, so that the other true thing is that you might have allies that you can rely on, after all.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

July kicks off with a host of tense aspects which at their best promise to bring lasting results through hard work. You are also still recovering from the June Mercury Retrograde which had you reflecting on your values and the way that you make your money. The first week of the month could bring frustration, confrontation and delays. This is partly due to Mars, transiting in Leo, who comes into an exact opposition with Saturn in Aquarius on the 1st. Mars and Saturn in aspect is often compared to driving a race car with the brakes on. You may try as hard as you want to get where you are going, yet it might not be possible. Mars in Leo also squares Uranus in Taurus from the 2nd to the 4th, creating a Fixed T-square with Saturn in Aquarius, creating stubbornness and effort toward a desired result. This tension could show up at home or in your professional life as you try to reconcile your desire for autonomy and personal agency with your obligations and responsibilities. The Sun squaring Chiron in Aries on the 4th may further confront you to the anger and frustration you’ve been bottling up. This could also be an opportunity to find a channel where you can express your discontent openly. Sometimes trying to contain or hide something is actually worse than simply letting it out.

On July 5th and 6th, Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces for a third time since the end of May blurring the lines between fact and fiction. Discrimination could be vitally necessary to help you sort out a financial matter or to gage the viability of a business venture. Venus transiting in Leo also opposes Saturn in Aquarius on the 6th, which brings an overall sobering influence. You may feel weighed down by your responsibilities and with Venus squaring Uranus in Taurus the next day, lasting until the 9th, a balance may be necessary to strike between your duties and breaking away from what feels burdensome.

The New Moon in Cancer also takes place on the 9th, carrying a nice reset in your communication sector. Things should start to feel easier towards the second weekend of July. The New Moon is supported by a sextile from Uranus in Taurus. It may be time to start talking about some of your wildest ideas and be more intentional about the messages or information you want to convey. Mercury enters Cancer on the 11th continuing to highlight the communication sector of your chart. Dialoguing with others could be more enjoyable these days and it could help you clarify your thoughts and integrate all the information you’ve been absorbing in the last few months.

The third week of July carries a host of inspirational influences starting with the trine between Mercury in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces, exact on the 12th, which may bring optimism and good faith to your communications. You might be able to organize your thoughts into broader concepts which could also help you convey your perspective more easily. Venus and Mars in Leo are applying to a conjunction with each other from the 10th to the 14th, exact on the 13th, and this will be visible just after sunset in the Western sky. This conjunction may bring a lot of creativity and inspiration to you, as well as passion and activity. This is especially so for things related to your home environment. You may feel like hosting a party or you may simply find greater joy in your immediate surroundings. The Sun in Cancer forms a harmonious aspect to Neptune in Pisces on the 14th and 15th, highlighting creative pursuits and your beliefs, and perhaps giving you a greater sense of perspective.

The First Quarter Moon takes place in the sign of Libra on the 17th while the Sun in Cancer is opposing Pluto in Capricorn. Communication could feel strained or you may have to make some last minute changes to your schedule. Your worldview has been transforming and this quarter Moon might constitute one more brick in the paved road to a wider perspective. Feelings of inadequacy or frustration may also surface when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries on the 18th and 19th. The contrast between your inner world and what you are able to express could clash or it could play out in your close relationships. You may not be able to ignore what comes up but when Mercury sextiles Uranus in Taurus on the 20th it could help you find an unexpected way to deal with it.

Venus enters Virgo on the 21st and the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd which may gradually emphasize your passions and what you love to do in your spare time. Venus opposes Jupiter in Pisces upon entering Virgo which could spark your desire for ease and pleasure with less energy for hard work and discipline. The last ten days of the month could be a pleasant time in general for you as you feel this shift in the energy.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the evening of the 23rd calls your attention back to your goals and your professional choices as it culminates in the vocational sector of your chart. You might again have to wrestle with your desire to indulge versus the sacrifice that may be required to meet long-term projects. If you are reaching a turning point in your career this Full Moon may be your opportunity to take stock of how far you’ve come.

Mercury in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn on the 25th could bring some important revelations or insights that could change your perspective just before Mercury enters Leo, corresponding to your home and family sector, on the 27th. Jupiter moving backward re-enters the sign of Aquarius on the 28th immediately opposing Mars in Leo, which could therefore trigger a powerful desire to succeed. Jupiter in Aquarius until the end of the year might bring back something you thought was over a few months ago, whether this is an idea related to your career or your overall perspective on the world. Mars entering Virgo on the 29th might also bring momentum for your creative projects while remaining there for the next six weeks.

The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 31st highlights the ongoing tension occurring between your personal needs and your responsibilities. Your home life receives renewed emphasis, as has been true for most of this interesting and insightful month of July.

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