Taurus Horoscope for June 2021

Taurus Horoscope for June 2021

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an exciting and confounding month for you, Taurus. The Mercury Retrograde period that lasts essentially all month long is a strong one, and it has you questioning your values. It might be that the purely material holds less sway, while the intangible rewards of “doing it right” hold more and more. You are full of intuitive knowledge that leads you to a greater truth than mere logic, once it is that you can tune your awareness toward this innate ability, encouraged recently by cosmic messengers like Uranus in your sign. You are feeling the pressure of greater presence in the world of schedules and responsibility while simultaneously allowing your mind to jump out of established ruts in order to lay new tracks in the sand that you can then willingly follow. As your worldview shifts and morphs, you are on a mission to more fully inhabit your deepest principles, and this implies taking with utmost seriousness the information – and the accompanying call to action – arising from hidden layers of your psyche.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Taurus from earlier, in mid-May, has brought a nice reset for you and perhaps the momentum you needed to clarify your values and help you streamline your priorities. Energy goes where attention flows and you may be currently less inclined to invest your time in situations that do not align with your ideals. As the month of June gets underway you may however be forced to find the middle ground between getting your way immediately versus making some sacrifices that can help you reach your long-term goals. You will likely be juggling quite a few responsibilities or tasks of your own making, with the Sun in Gemini trining Saturn in Aquarius, or your career sector, at the very beginning of the month.

There is also the uncertainty of the Mercury Retrograde period through your sector of values and resources to contend with, all month long. The deliberations you are engaging in this month could eventually lend a solid sense of direction and the opportunity to renew your determination once Mercury fully straightens out in the first week of July.

Your ruling planet Venus enters Cancer on June 2nd – highlighting your communication sector for the rest of the month. If you’ve felt like you’ve been ruminating on an idea or a concept without being able to clearly define it, Venus in Cancer should help you find your creative streak. Mars is still in Cancer until mid-month and opposes Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th and 5th which may force you to let go of a plan that isn’t working. With Jupiter now transiting in Pisces, inspiration could be flowing back into your life in a big way; although you might have to change your mind on something you thought was set in stone. Adjusting your direction may be one of the hardest things to do as a Fixed sign but flexibility is an asset for you right now. Adapting your ideas to suit the opportunities currently present in your life could yield fantastic results. 

On June 10th, a Solar Eclipse takes place in the sign of Gemini while Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun. This is a powerful marker in the month that could push you to integrate new elements into your plans. Anything pertaining to your financial situation or your income could be in a state of flux and it may be wise to wait until the end of the month to make a definitive move. The Sun in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces on the 13th could bring an element of confusion to the mix. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Mars enters Leo on the 11th, carrying some focus and momentum over to your home sector until the end of July. Mars transiting here could spark your motivation to get things done and less patience to wait around for things to happen.

On June 14th Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus for a second time this year. The first of these squares occurred on February 17th and the final one will be on December 14th coloring the entire year with a simmering tension. Uranus in Taurus brings innovation to your sign and the desire to find your own individual trajectory within the confines of an existing structure. The square from Saturn could mean that you are meeting a certain level of resistance in birthing your vision into the world. You may have to work within a certain set of rules that seems incompatible with what you are trying to achieve. The secret in navigating this tension is to apply the right amount of pressure without reaching the breaking point. Progress is possible but you may have to be strategic about it.

A change of pace is indicated when the Sun enters Cancer late on the 20th, signaling the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Jupiter in Pisces stations retrograde while Mercury in Gemini stations direct in the days surrounding the Summer Solstice. Mercury escapes its retrograde shadow, finally straightening out from the retrograde, in the first week of July. Things you’ve been wrestling with may finally come into greater focus and you may have an easier time distinguishing your goals which could help you progress more rapidly.

Then Sun in Cancer comes into a supportive and soothing trine with Jupiter in Pisces on the 23rd which may help you adopt a more optimistic outlook. The days leading to the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th could bring inspiring new opportunities or a renewed sense of faith.

The Full Moon in Capricorn highlights a culmination process in relation to your goals, worldview, or a learning journey. You may have been feeling a certain level of pressure regarding the responsibilities that come along with your ambitions. While the Full Moon in Capricorn could highlight some of the fears associated with your aspirations, it’s also the perfect opportunity to acknowledge how far you have come. You have a lot working in your favor which is mainly thanks to your endurance and consistency. Taking stock of your progress at the end of the month could help you renew with your original vision and your determination.

When your ruler, Venus, enters Leo on the 27th, corresponding to the home sector of your solar chart, you will feel a shift in the energy and may reach some degree of resolution on the matters that you have studiously been involving yourself with.

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