Taurus Horoscope for May 2021

Taurus Horoscope for May 2021

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month has a bit of everything for you, Taurus, inner and outer, intuitive and practical, self and other. You are still feeling rather introspective and internalized, coming off the recent Aries line-up from mid-April, corresponding to your sector of inner process. Inner wounding, likely the residue of undigested early childhood trauma, requires your attention, although not all of it. This current May month might be a good time to really dig down and forge a better connection with all your parts including these dark places within you. The New Moon arrives in your sign on the 11th, and emphasizes a prominent revolutionary Uranus. A struggle ensues for holding onto what you might call business as usual in the face of novel circumstances. You are feeling the call of the wild and unexpected, and yet also a penchant for staying the course with your work in the world that feels like comfort. One of these impulses and patterns of behavior will win out, but it difficult to say when, or even which one will predominate.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Aries of mid-April that still affects you over the first ten days of the current month took place in your sector of dream realities and inner work and likely brought the need to attend to your interior life or what you tend to ignore. You might be in a process of coming to terms with old grudges or hang-ups. This is perhaps allowing you to eventually look forward to the future with a renewed sense of direction. The beginning of May is a busy time for you. With four planets now transiting in your sign, the spotlight is shining on what you require to feel grounded. The needs of your body could also be on your mind as you try to attend to your career obligations without losing touch with your personal requirements. You may feel that a certain career path is hard to reconcile with your current circumstances. You may have to make a difficult choice between taking a risk or staying with something that you feel you have outgrown. There is a tinge of romanticism or fantasy in the air at the beginning of May as Venus in Taurus trines Neptune in Pisces and you may be idealizing a potential scenario. You may feel a sense of longing for something that takes you outside of your everyday routine. You could feel bored with the same old circumstances or unable to find a deeper sense of satisfaction.

The square between Saturn in Aquarius and the Sun in Taurus on May 3rd brings tension and could translate as a feeling of being stuck or with no real options, together with an exciting alternative that seems just out of reach. This is a short-lived aspect – also in alignment with the Last Quarter Moon – but it does highlight a broader dynamic that permeates the year. This has to do with conformity versus creativity.  On one hand, you could be feeling extremely inspired by a project or by new ideas that are starting to take shape; while on the other hand you could have to contend with limitations or have very little room to implement your new ideas. This will continue to create tension this year and push you to find ways to reconcile very different worlds or make a difficult choice.

Mercury also enters Gemini late on the 3rd of May where it will turn retrograde at the end of the month. Mercury transiting in Gemini for the next two months could bring up a need to rethink or restructure your finances. More extensively, it could be your values or your sense of self-worth that is changing at this time. You may need to update your resume or ask for a raise that is more representative of your talents and contribution. Pay attention to what transpires in the following weeks as you may need to revisit those topics at a later date. Venus enters Gemini on the 8th and will be here until the end of the month which could help you define more clearly what you value.

On the 11th of May the Taurus New Moon takes place in your sign, bringing a reset in connection with what you need to feel grounded. You might finally be able to set your intentions surrounding something that’s been coming up for you lately. Your desires may be changing which in turn is shifting your focus. Neptune in Pisces is sextile to the New Moon which brings intuitive and imaginative support for what is taking shape in your life. Your aspirations may be coming up in a big way this month. Lucky planet Jupiter enters the sign of Pisces on the 13th gracing your social sector. Jupiter will be in Pisces for the next 10 weeks before officially re-entering Pisces at the end of the year. Jupiter is most often associated with faith and good fortune and for you the bounties of Jupiter may come via your associations or through a community of like-minded people. The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and immediately starts squaring Jupiter in Pisces which links the financial sector of your chart with the social one. 

There may be new and exciting financial opportunities on the horizon but with Mercury in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces a few days later on the 21st to the 23rd, you may have to contend with some confusing details. Things could be moving fast during the last two weeks of May and you may have to make a few important decisions that can impact your future in significant ways.

On Wednesday the 26th, the first Lunar Eclipse of the season takes place in the sign of Sagittarius.
For you this occurs in the part of your chart that relates to contracts, funding, taxes, and what binds you to others. You may reach an important turning point that allows you to gain more autonomy but you want to make sure to have all your bases covered. Mercury stationing retrograde in Gemini on the 29th may force you to revise the details of something you thought was set in stone. Mercury will be moving retrograde until late June giving you ample opportunities to refine your business plan or anything that has to do with a new financial trajectory. 

There is a lot of positive development that could present itself in May especially in connection with your finances and networking opportunities. You may be able to align yourself more authentically with your calling or what you are passionate about. However, things may not be as expedient as you would expect or a situation could be continuously shifting. If possible, it may be a good idea to give yourself some room to maneuver before solidifying any commitments or closing in on a deal. Mercury in Gemini turns direct in late June, and by the first full week of July you should have a good handle on whatever you are trying to achieve.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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