Virgo Horoscope for March 2022

Virgo Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another amazing month for you, Virgo, when your focus comes to the partnerships in your life both for their own sake, and because in your ongoing transformation of principles and beliefs, you need the help of others around you in order to most clearly see yourself. Your creative output is another significant focus for this March month, with the potent Pisces New Moon of its second day featuring a conjunction of Venus, Mars, and Pluto in the self-expression sector of your solar chart. The method and style in which you create and enjoy life could be mightily transforming in this climactic monthly cycle, and in a way that affects much of your value system and communicative outreach. The growing awareness of where this lifetime’s mission statement might take you reaches a culmination in the mid-month Full Moon, that also represents a time of accomodating to issues of self and other that have been percolating through your consciousness. Intimacy with important others is also undergoing a metamorphosis that will have its reverberations down the weeks and months still to come in this climactic 2022 year.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of March begins astrologically with a powerful New Moon on the 2nd in your opposite sign of Pisces. This brings up themes of renewal and healing concerning your relationships and how you approach them. Jupiter is conjunct the Sun and Moon adding an optimistic influence and indicating a sense of trust that everything is as it should be. You may find yourself more willing to compromise thanks to this influence. Partnerships of all kinds could benefit this month from this sense of good faith and you may feel inspired to expand on an existing relationship or experience an almost devotional energy when relating with others. In this New Moon configuration as well, Venus, Mars, and Pluto are joined together in the sign of Capricorn, potentially increasing your passions and creativity to the next level. There is a sense of personal evolution involving your self-expression. Compulsivity is an issue, so that you could need to channel this considerable energy wisely and find positive ways to express it. A prominent position of Uranus in the remaining Earth sign of Taurus indicates that options could be emerging so keep an open mind especially when it comes to learning or traveling opportunities that could broaden your worldview. A door may open that could help you step out of your routine and into the unknown – either physically or intellectually. Also, with Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius in the timing of this New Moon, you may be overly preoccupied with your health and daily logistics. Just make sure you don’t get caught up in your routine and miss out on some of the broader influences that are percolating up from below the surface.

Late on the evening of the 5th, Mars and Venus enter the sign of Aquarius while in a conjunction and will remain closely connected each other for much of the remainder of the month. You could be trying to reconcile what you already know and what you are currently learning into a practical working model. Or in another reading you could be wanting to involve other people in your process to help strengthen your resolve. It might be difficult for you to realize your ideas if you have nowhere to place them socially.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 9th potentially increasing your need for validation and support in the coming weeks. Mercury in Pisces could bring inspiring and creative dialogues and you may be inclined to forge new alliances at this time. There is an additional focus now on your partnerships although you may need to spend time updating your perspective before you feel confident about your contribution.

The Sun conjuncts Neptune on the 13th and 14th and while this could add strength to the relationship focus that somewhat characterizes your life this month, this transit also magnifies your idealistic side, so that you may tend to more easily project your fantasies onto others. This mid-March timing could bring a connective and devotional influence to your partnerships which is beautiful although you could find a tendency to sacrifice more than you get in return. You might experience a false sense of obligation towards others or feel emotionally confused, especially if you are too dependent on the strength of other people. You could therefore benefit from using discrimination in your dealings at this time and strive towards greater clarity in your dealings with others.

The Full Moon culminates in your sign on the 18th bringing the balance point back to you and your own development to some extent. This could potentially allow you gain some clarity in regard to what you need. Your feelings now may signal imbalances and point to where necessary adjustments might need to be made in order to find greater emotional equilibrium. An important conversation could take place around this time and it will be wise to remain honest with yourself, especially about what you want. Too much compromising could leave you feeling pent up or resentful in the long run; using this Full Moon to clarify your personal needs might be perfect for you. Pluto forms a supportive trine to the Full Moon offering a powerful incentive for change that does not have to feel disruptive. This could be the culmination of a very long process and represent a more conscious integration of your desires and passions.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the Spring Equinox and the return of the light in the Northern Hemisphere. Venus and Mars in Aquarius come into a square with Uranus in Taurus at this time highlighting a tension between your routine and your need to outgrow habitual patterns. The latter part of March could bring inner restlessness, especially if you’ve been imposing too many rules on yourself. Mercury in Pisces conjuncts Jupiter and then Neptune on the 21st and the 23rd, and this could imply that there are opportunities that are waiting to be seized although it may be difficult to know what is true here; you may need to be aware of what is mere fantasy. You could be craving something that is not realistic or waiting and hoping that someone will come through.

Mercury enters Aries on the 27th bringing a more energetic influence that could color your conversations with an edgier tone in the weeks ahead. On the 28th, there is a conjunction of Venus and Saturn in Aquarius highlighting efforts to structure your health habits, or our attention might be drawn to routines that have become overly rigid with time. This may be your opportunity to take stock of your progress and find ways to bring more fluidity into your daily life and your approach to health.

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