Virgo Horoscope for April 2022

Virgo Horoscope for April 2022

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of continued personal evolution Virgo, along with a renewed focus on career issues that require unlikely approaches to find their resolution. Your habitual patterns are where much of this energy gets enacted, thus finding a spiritual presence in day-to-day situations. A strong sense of idealism also permeates all your relationships. You may find that you are encountering greater depth in your own developmental process, and that you are dealing with factors of your pathway forward that are not susceptible to purely logical solutions. Indeed, as Shakespeare referenced in the well-known line from Hamlet, it is sometimes best if we proceed from the standpoint that “there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our (current) philosophy.” This seeming uncertainty is therefore the prelude to greater success in coming to your own unique way of seeing and of transforming your self-expression along lines that correspond to your true internal nature. There is a focus this month as well on intimacy with others, inevitably tied to achieving greater intimacy with yourself at these deeper levels of your being.

The following was written by Leslie Benson and Henry Seltzer. The usual column by Elodie St-Onge Abut will return.

April begins with the commencement of a new lunar cycle as the Aries New Moon takes place in the early morning hours of the 1st. This New Moon lights up the depths of your psychological process. Further, because Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is just one degree away from the Sun and Moon, you may find yourself experiencing with more clarity the nature of your own inner wounding. This significant lunation therefore signifies that healing processes will be especially prominent for the entire April month. Shared resources of all kinds represent another theme prominent for you in this New Moon, particularly with your significant other, although perhaps with familial finances. There is important homework here for you – as you are being prompted by the astrological gods to attempt to understand the deeper layers of your psychology.

Because Pluto is also highlighted in this New Moon, being aspected by the Sun, Moon, and Chiron in quintile, there is an ongoing transformation in the works for you as well throughout a rather intense monthly cycle, affecting your self-expression and how you show up in the world in general.

On April 4th and 5th, Mars conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius, prompting you to make new commitments concerning your health, wellness, and daily routines. Your activities in these areas could shift from energetic to something of a standstill for this brief time, but trust that this rhythm is basically helpful, perhaps allowing you time to reflect and plan.

Relationships and partnerships are also very prominent for you this month. Venus moves into her exaltation in Pisces on the 5th, offering up tenderness, romance and beauty.

The bigger news, however, taking place in this department occurs two days later, as the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune, both in their rulership in Pisces, begins. This takes effect from the 7th to the 16th, becoming exact on the 12th. This aspect has a major spiritually magnifying influence, so you might want to set your intentions and awareness during this time on whatever in your relationship realms you wish to expand. This collision of astrological energies could be incredibly uplifting, bringing elements of renewed compassion and faith to that area of your life. Given the magnifying effect, it could also make your ways of being in relationship very apparent to you, especially those that aren’t working for you. These factors may require adjustment, healing and growth, bringing up again the theme of transformation, never completely out of sight.

On Saturday, April 16th, the Libra Full Moon highlights the winds of metamorphosis and change, with Pluto again prominent, emphasizing the long-term transformation that has been unfolding regarding your creative endeavors. You might wish to carve out some time to engage in whatever aspect of creativity that is calling you most authentically around this time. Because of the Full Moon placement, the areas of your finances and material belongings are also the subject of greater self-awareness and insight, as well as potential alterations.

The end of the month has no shortage of excitement, as Venus and Jupiter are conjunct in your opposite sign of Pisces, following the Venus-Neptune conjunction these on the 27th. Your values are highlighted and somewhat idealized, as well as expanded upon, offering up another dash of sweetness and abundance in your relation realms. There could be increase in finances or perhaps merely the illusion of this, and this area potentially ties in with partnership events and considerations.

On Saturday, April 30th, on the month’s last day, a Solar Eclipse in Taurus also takes place. This transforms and awakens your sense of spiritual connection and learning, and may expand your horizons in unexpected ways. The fact of Venus and Jupiter being conjunct in this eclipse configuration brings a sense of optimism, although it will undoubtedly have some intensity sprinkled into the mix, as well. You may benefit from taking note of what arises during this time, as the ripple out from this eclipse will last for the next six months.

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