Book List

AstroGraph's Select Astrology Books are recommended reading as another tool to enhance your study, knowledge, and practice of astrology. Additional reading coupled with TimePassages Astrology Software facilitates a much deeper understanding of astrology.

The books are categorized as:

Classics Advanced Transiting Planets
Specifically Recommended Chiron and Centaurs Outer Planets
Overview Lilith Political Astrology
General Progressions  

up Classics
Astrology: A Cosmic Science
by Isabel Hickey.
The classic text on the art of Astrology.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
Making the Gods Work for You
by Caroline W. Casey.
A great new work by the pioneering "Visionary Astrologer" Caroline Casey.
Level: Beginning
Powells »
Amazon »
Heaven Knows What
by Grant Lewi.
Grant Lewi interprets the influence of the Sun and Moon positions at birth and describes the effects of every possible planetary aspect in language designed for the modern readers.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
Astrology for the Millions
by Grant Lewi.
A classic. Grant Lewi was the inspiration for a practical astrology. Nowhere is this more clear than in his work on transits -- the keys to astrological prediction -- as covered in this masterwork. He explains lifetime phenomena in terms of growth, development, and the process of becoming. His insights about the transit of Saturn literally transformed astrological understanding, teaching, and implementation everywhere.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »

up Specifically Recommended
Astrology, Karma & Transformation: The Inner Dimensions of the Birthchart
by Stephen Arroyo.
A terrific book, full of clarity and insight.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Cosmos and Psyche
by Richard Tarnas.
I'm very impressed by this book. Rick has done what no one has done before - created an astrology book for the layman. In scholarly terms he has laid out a basis for looking at astrological synchronicity that makes compelling sense to anyone who reads it closely. It is a daring and beautifully executed achievement.
Level: Beginning to Advanced
Amazon »
Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil
by Liz Greene.
A great classic work by the well-known psychological and mythological astrologer.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »

up Overview
The Art of Chart Interpretation
by Tracy Marks.
Good basic text. A Step-By-Step Method of Analyzing, Synthesizing and Understanding the Birth Chart.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Chart Interpretation Handbook: Guidelines for Understanding the Essentials of the Birth Chart
by Stephen Arroyo.
A good basic textbook. He shows how to develop reliable, in-depth interpretations for any birth chart.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Horoscope Symbols
by Robert Hand.
Excellent and philosophical take on the planets, signs and houses by an acknowledged master of the field.
Level : Beginning to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
How to Be a Great Astrologer: The Planetary Aspects Explained
by James Braha.
A hard hitting, plain spoken guide to interpreting the planetary aspects in Western astrology. It is a comprehensive work on the subject and includes 23 descriptive pages on the Moon's nodes in the signs & houses.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
The Inner Sky: The Dynamic New Astrology for Everyone
by Steven Forrest.
A well-written and witty explanation of natal Astrology.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
Aspects and Personality
by Karen Hammaker-Zondag.
A great beginning text on natal aspects.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
The Rising Sign: Your Astrological Mask
by Jeanne Avery.
By a well-known psychic and astrologer, a revealing psychological/astrological exploration of the masks we wear and the many ways our rising signs affect our personalities.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
Relating: An Astrological Guide to Living with Others on a Small Planet
by Liz Greene.
An excellent book on humanistic / mythological astrology and relationship dynamics.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
Moon Tides, Soul Passages
by Maria Kay Simms
An extended meditation on the astrological Moon and her phases and their use in daily life.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
How to Handle Your Human Relations
by Lois Sargent.
An excellent slim volume on synastry aspects and relationship astrology.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »

up Advanced
The Astrological Houses: The Spectrum of Individual Experiences
by Dane Rudhyar.
One of the only books devoted to the deeper meaning of the twelve houses in astrology. Rudhyar explains their meaning as "fields of experience."
Level: Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Asteroid Goddesses
by Demetra George & Douglas Bloch.
A classic study of the four feminine asteroids discovered in the early 1800’s.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
The Dynamics of the Unconscious
by Liz Greene.
Studies in the astrological Sun and Moon, from lectures.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
The Luminaries
by Liz Greene.
Studies in psychological astrology, from lectures, by two modern masters.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
The Inner Planets
by Liz Greene.
Studies in the astrological impact of Mercury, Venus and Mars, from lectures.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Powells »
Amazon »

Mars Quartet
by Liz Greene.
Studies on Mars, from lectures, includes an early description of the astrology of 9/11.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Powells »
Amazon »

The Magic Thread: Astrological Chart Interpretation Using Depth Psychology
by Richard Idemon.
A good discussion of analyzing the chart as a whole.
Level: Advanced

Amazon »

Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul - Vol. 1
by Jeff Green.
A great and unique work exploring the nature of Pluto, as well as other factors in the natal chart.
Level: Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Pluto: The Soul's Evolution Through Relationships - Vol. 2
by Jeff Green.
A further exploration of evolutionary astrology. This book explores the astrological/Pluto model that embraces the evolutionary development and progression of the Soul from life to life.
Level: Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Soul-Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self
by Alan Oken.
A seminal work on esoteric astrology. Oken guides the reader to the next step in the progression of astrology, incorporating spiritual, new age and global community ideologies.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Inside Degrees - Developing Your Soul Biography Using the Chandra Symbols
by Ellias Lonsdale.
Lonsdale explores the symbols and images of the degrees of the zodiac signs with his introduction of the Chandra symbols. Lonsdale's approach to astrology encourages personal growth Inside Degrees emphasizes restoring memory, rekindling imaginative experiences, and fostering appreciation for personal challenges, capacities, and struggles.
Level: Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology
by Marc Edmund Jones.
A classic work on the Sabian degree symbols
Level: Intermediate

Powells »
Amazon »

The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle
by Lynda Hill.
A terrific treatment of the 360 Sabian degree symbols
Level: Beginner to Advanced

Amazon »

Chiron and Centaurs
Chiron and the Healing Journey: An Astrological and Pychological Perspective
by Melanie Reinhart.
An excellent work on the planet Chiron, both natally and in transit. Rich in mythological anecdotes, literary allusions, and historical perspective, this comprehensive study of the significance of the planet Chiron in each of the twelve astrological houses.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets
by Barbara Hand.
Explore Chiron's mythological background and history and analyze its effect in each sign and house. Learn how Chiron rules Virgo and the 6th house and much more.
Level: Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs
by Melanie Reinhart.
An excellent discussion of the Centaurs.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Amazon »
Chiron: New Planet in the Horoscope
by Richard Nolle.
An early work on Chiron.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »


The Black Moon Book
by Francis Santoni.
About Black Moon Lilith in house and sign
Level: Intermediate

Amazon »

Black Moon Lilith
by Kelley M. Hunter.
Descriptions of the astrological Lilith.
Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Powells »
Amazon »

Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess
by Demetra George.
Offers some information regarding Lilith in the context of a description of the Dark Goddess in mythology.
Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Powells »
Amazon »


Secondary Progressions: Time To Remember
by Nancy Ann Hastings.
A good basic textbook on progressions.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark
by Bernadette Brady.
Both transits and progressions are covered. Covers techniques and methods necessary for making accurate astrological predictions. Learn to reveal the future and put various aspects of life into perspective.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
The Astrology of Personality
by Dane Rudhyar.
The classic explication of Humanistic Astrology.
Level: Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »

Transiting Planets
The Changing Sky: A Practical Guide to Predictive Astrology
by Steven Forrest.
Begins with a brief review of basics, followed by in-depth explanations of transits and progressions. Forrest leads the reader past the fatalism of traditional astrological prediction into the realm of choice-centered personal analysis with clarity, ease, and humor.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
Saturn in Transit: Boundaries of Mind, Body, and Soul
by Erin Sullivan.
Drawing on classical myth, and the work of C. G. Jung and Joseph Campbell, the author examines Saturn's useful and developmental influence in our lives and the manifestation of the astrological symbols in the individual and collective unconscious.
Level: Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Retrograde Planets: Traversing the Inner Landscape
by Erin Sullivan.
Penetrates the veil of myths, mystery, and false assumptions which surrounds the phenomenon of retrogression as applies to both astrological natal charts and transiting cycles.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Planets in Transit: Life Cycles for Living
by Robert Hand.
Classic cookbook format.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
Transits of the West, Dasas of the East: How to Predict Your Future
by James Braha.

Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »

Outer Planets
The Outer Planets & Their Cycles: The Astrology of the Collective
by Liz Greene.

Level: Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
The Gods of Change: Pain, Crisis, and the Transits of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
by Howard Sasportas.
Through the use of revealing case studies, this work examines the psychological effects of Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus as they pass though different houses.
Level: Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »
Phoenix Rising: Exploring the Astrological Pluto
by Haydn Paul.

Level: Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
Visionary Dreamer: Exploring the Astrological Neptune
by Haydn Paul.

Level: Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
Revolutionary Spirit: Exploring the Astrological Uranus
by Haydn Paul.

Level: Intermediate
Amazon »
Prometheus the Awakener
by Richard Tarnas.
A thoughtful essay on the archetypal meaning of Uranus in astrology.
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Powells »
Amazon »
The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption
by Liz Greene.
The definitive work on Neptune in astrology.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »

Political Astrology
The Astrology of America’s Destiny
by Dane Rudhyar.
A great discussion of the character of America as revealed in the 1776 chart, which he rectified to a 13 Sagittarius Ascendant.
Level: Advanced
Amazon »
Soul-sick Nation: an Astrologer's View of America
by Jessica Murray.
A quintessential discussion along the lines of Rudhyar, using the same chart, from a left political perspective.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Powells »
Amazon »

The Astrology Encyclopedia
by James R. Lewis.
A good reference work on Astrology.
Level: Beginner
Powells »
Amazon »
Larousse Encyclopedia of Astrology
by Jean-Louis Brau.
Another excellent reference work.
Level: Beginner
Amazon »
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