Happy Scorpio Season!

Happy Scorpio Season!

Happy Birthday, Scorpio! Today, October 22, 2016, the Sun moves into your sign... ABOUT SCORPIO: Scorpio is the most intense sign of the Zodiac, and is associated with sexual activity and with the symbolism of death and rebirth. Their emotions run deep. Scorpios have great personal magnetism and great powers of persuasion or even the ability to coerce...

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The Uranus-Pluto Saga Continues: Individual Threads of the Collective Tapestry

The Uranus-Pluto Saga Continues: Individual Threads of the Collective Tapestry

This week two of the personal planets, namely Mars and Mercury, come to exact aspect with two powerhouse outer planets: the divine trickster, Uranus, and also deeply transformational Pluto.  This is symbolic of the multitude of ways in which the strands of our individual selves weave into the tapestry of our collective human consciousness.  Uranus and...

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A Full Moon Full of Surprises

A Full Moon Full of Surprises

Saturday evening’s Full Moon in Aries has the distinction of highlighting an already powerful presence of Uranus, trickster astrological emblem of unexpected events and surprising enlightenment. It is said that Uranus represents deep intuition, and symbolizes giving us a glimpse of other-dimensional levels of experience and the origins of the archetypal...

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A First Quarter Moon of Tension Seeking its Resolution

A First Quarter Moon of Tension Seeking its Resolution

The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn taking place Saturday evening (or early Sunday morning, depending on location) is a strong one, because the Moon is closely conjunct Pluto with Mars nearby, aspected as well by Jupiter and Neptune, and because Venus in mid-Scorpio, the sign of the rulership of Mars and Pluto, is also highlighted in this interesting and somewhat...

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A Libra New Moon of Uncertain Outcomes

A Libra New Moon of Uncertain Outcomes

Friday evening’s New Moon in Libra, conjunct Jupiter, brings fresh energy to the place of harmony that resides within each of us, because Libra is the sign of diplomacy and balance. Venus, ruler of this New Moon, strongly aspects Neptune in Pisces, by a trine, as the Sun and Moon stimulate this exchange, and while numinous and illusory Neptune remains in orb...

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