Response to NASA: On the 13th Sign

Response to NASA: On the 13th Sign

There's been a lot of buzz around astrology traditions as NASA made the pronouncement in this past week that there are in reality 13 signs, a statement designed to discredit the practice of Astrology. This same topic crops up every now and then, and this time it seems to be making the rounds on social media more than ever before. After being asked by several...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Consciousness and Transformation

A Last Quarter Moon of Consciousness and Transformation

Friday morning’s Last Quarter Moon has a lot going on, including the recent station direct of Mercury, and brings to us a strong reminder of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square that will continue to be a factor in the current astrology for the remainder of this fractious decade. It is interesting also to note that the Fall Equinox has taken place less than one...

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Happy Libra Season!

Happy Libra Season!

Happy Birthday, Libra!!! Today, the Vernal Equinox of September 22, 2016, the Sun moves into you sign... ABOUT LIBRA: Libra is the sign of harmony and relationship. The Sun in Libra is at the time of the Equinox, when day equals night, and similarly Libra strives for balance between polarities. Librans are known for their good taste, elegance and...

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Mercury Stations Direct Trine Pluto: Transforming Collective Thought

Mercury Stations Direct Trine Pluto: Transforming Collective Thought

We’re closing in on one of the peak moments of this entire and unusually strong Mercury Retrograde period this evening, as the quicksilver planet of mental pursuits and communication stations direct. This happens today, September 21 at 10:31pm PST. After this, Mercury takes two weeks to move through the second half of Virgo one more time, recovering...

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A Full Moon Eclipse of Recognition and Regeneration

A Full Moon Eclipse of Recognition and Regeneration

Friday afternoon’s penumbral Lunar Eclipse represents another powerful lunation, as so many of these recent configurations have been, in this case particularly selecting out Venus, Mars and Chiron for special attention. The Sun and Moon in opposition, at the 24-degree mark of Virgo and Pisces, make a T-square to Mars at 23 Sagittarius, while the eclipse Moon...

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