A Darkly Transformative New Moon

A Darkly Transformative New Moon

Wednesday evening's New Moon in late Cancer is full of portent for the remainder of the month and on into the first half of August, because this lunation is accompanied by an extremely strong activation of Pluto, the astrological archetype of underworld matters, death and rebirth. A very close Mercury-Mars conjunction in mid-Cancer is exactly opposed to Pluto in...

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Pluto's Heart: The Depths of Love and Evolution

Pluto's Heart: The Depths of Love and Evolution

The recent NASA fly-by of Pluto revealed a beautiful and synchronistic discovery: the distinct shape of a heart on the surface of this tiny (dwarf) planet. This could lead us to ask what is happening in the cultural zeitgeist, and what archetypal symbolism is held within such a discovery. In astrology Pluto has a reputation for depth, intensity and...

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A Finely Reflective Last Quarter Moon

A Finely Reflective Last Quarter Moon

Tuesday's Last Quarter Moon comes along at an extremely interesting time, as we get ready for a new and really quite intense cycle that will take us into the end of the month period and beyond. This lunar phase also signals a shift in point of view when we realize that we are just a little more aware than we were before the cycle started. In this case, we began...

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Mercury in Cancer

Mercury in Cancer

After an extended stay in Gemini with the recent retrograde period, Mercury now enters the watery realms of Cancer, to stay for about two weeks, until July 23rd. Joining the Sun and Mars in this emotionally oriented sign, everyone's thoughts are more attuned to feeling states. Your mental processes are more greatly influenced by your emotions so that it may...

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A Full Moon of Underground Proclivities

A Full Moon of Underground Proclivities

Wednesday evening's Full Moon is a powerful one, and marks the midway point in the cycle that began with the late-Gemini New Moon from the middle of June, thus reflecting the astrological weather for the first two weeks of July, up to the Cancer New Moon of July 15th that kicks off the second half of the month. This is quite an intense configuration, providing...

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